What happens if Trump decides not to run for re-election?

I heard someone mention on TV that China had used corporate fronts to buy ads in farm/rustbelt region.

Either way Paul Ryan missing in action really hurt us in that part of the country.

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California shouldn’t be considered a bellwether. It has been overrun with liberalism and fixed elections of local offices. It puts the Chicago political machine to shame.

That didn’t help for sure. However it was Trump’s choice to implement tariffs. I really think it had more to do with Trump’s personality than anything.

I didn’t say it was a bellweather. But Orange county was solidly red for a long time. And the party being almost wiped out in a state with 40 million people is not good. They aren’t much more competitive in NY either. Right off the bat Dems start out with a huge advantage.

Yes, the Senate losses in MT and WV really hurt. Arizona was disappointing, can’t say I was surprised about Nevada. Could be a long time before Rs win another statewide race there.

I think most in Rust/Farmbelt realize what Trump was doing, just that we had no one to really get the message out.

Trade war with China was long overdue…the fact that we allowed it to go this long without major correct is the real travesty.

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They need to find a way to turn it around fast or 2020 will not be pretty.

I keep saying we need to look at where they lost, not just the number of seats. I have cited the districts held by Mark Sanford and Tom Price as examples. Sanford won by over 20 points, Price by over 10.

And both are now represented by Dems, with one of them being held by an open gun control advocate. In a deep red district.

She didn’t criticize his character, if I remember correctly - she used a state of the union response to criticize his stance on illegal aliens, using the dishonest rhetoric of the left. OK, maybe she wasn’t just trying to appease the media - maybe she really believes the lies that illegals are all here to work hard and that there’s no distinction between legal and illegal immigrants. Or maybe she was just doing it as a representative of the GOP establishment, using a state of the union response to dis-endorse the guy winning the race for the nomination. It sure looked to me like she was saying to the nation “Don’t blame me for that guy”

I am not sure about Mike Lee, as I didn’t do much research on him yet to know of his voting record. I think Devin Nunez might be a good candidate who no doubt would rally the base, but not sure if he would run, but he too gives me the impression if he decided to, he would strike fear in the heart of the “deep state” to finally expose them all!

You are delusional and you haven’t properly done your research!

Yes she did!


Cruz is a polarizing figure, someone who comes off as a preacher delivering his sermon, on optics of the evangelical vote would alienate a lot of voters to vote for him. He lost a lot of his support when he lied about his support of TPP


Pence is not electable, and a Vice President as being a successor argument doesn’t always work, see Al Gore! The establishment would love it if he won the Republican nomination as that all but insures the big club to undermine and peel back a lot of Trump’s trade policies as that is currently hurting them now.

Sorry, I but I fundamentally disagree with you!

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Nikki Haley endorsed Marco Rubio for POTUS and campaigned with him. When he dropped out, Haley didn’t endorse anyone else but sat it out.

GOP has an image problem. It has limited its appeal outside a narrow demographic, and Trump has narrowed it still further. Even if he did decide to step down, his ample shadow will loom over the Republican Party for a while.

That says enough to me that I wouldn’t consider her a good president in the policy mold of Trump. Immigration is the #1 issue with republicans and had Rubio won… we would already have passed DACA wholesale… Her support of him and lack of support for Trump is enough to through her out of consideration. If we are going to win some of these issues like immigration and China, both need to be confronted head on and I am wondering if even Trump is flagging a little bit when it comes to immigration…

I have said for years that republicans don’t really have a platform that a broad spectrum of the right believes in… Immigration for instance… the plank is the republicans oppose illegal immigration and yet a good many Ryan types kowtow business when it comes to the vote. Most republicans support limited abortion but rather than look to the constitution for an answer, they follow the no waver stance of the religions right. With respect to ‘free trade’, some would sell the US as a nation down the river over ‘free trade’ while it is within the right, scope and responsibility of the president (and the wider government) to use tariffs to protect the US population and industry. The right can’t expand its base when it doesn’t know what it stands for and all to often you can listen to republicans talk for hours and never use the word ‘Constitution’ once…

Well to be fair, the main problem with getting any immigration bill passed and the wall funded is Democrats. They manage to block anything Rs have tried to pass, even including wall funding included in other bills.

Republicans (Ryan and McConnell to be specific) blocked wall funding twice in continuing resolutions that did not require democrats. Now that the election is over and the house will go to the democrats they have decided that it is time to fund some of the wall… we will see just how much power they have. I think it looks rather like repealing Obamacare where they voted over 50 times to get rid of it (when they knew Obama could and would veto it) and then when they actually had the power and the numbers, couldn’t get it done for some reason.

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Wasn’t it McCains’ no vote that killed it? That’s how I remember it anyway.

While his was the dramatic up or down, preceding him were no votes from Lisa Murkowski - AK and Susan Collins - ME. The vote was 49 - 51

Oh yes I forgot about those two.

Tricky Icky Nicky is part of the big club decepticons! Although she may think of running if for anything else other than to break glass ceilings and ride the metoo momentum. It’s not wonder she chose to stay in New York rather than return to the Palmetto state!