I’m sorry to hear that RickRoll. I truly am and I am sorry for your loss and pain.
I’m not sure how a minor pain issue would warrant an Rx for Oxy.
I have a major pain issue coming up soon for surgery that is needed. Due to just this example, I asked what can I do without pain meds? I was given a solution (Advil) and a time frame.
It’s a reflection of where we are as a society in many ways.
We have it so good in this country we focus on minutia to get upset about.
The faithless lead in many cases very empty lives and have to seek fulfillment in many ways that are not healthy.
Cars are of course safer than they’ve ever been as are our roads and highways.
Our national Homicide rate has been cut by half since peaking in the early/mid nineties and we’re back to levels not seen since the early/mid sixties.
Of course, after decades of hard work in demonizing “Big XYZ” corporation or sector the drug companies are the modern incarnation of Satan.
Opioids are a problem, so is alcohol and illicit drugs but at least they serve a valuable purpose for which there are few if any other practical alternatives.
We need to focus on the causes of addiction and quit demonizing legitimate pharmaceutical companies trying to provide ways to ease severe pain that can’t otherwise be treated successfully.
A bright ICU nurse, knew the dangers of opiates, intelligent, BN, found dead in a bathroom lying in a pool of vomit and the contents of his bowels, dead from an overdose of fentanyl he was stealing from a patient in the ICU. Obviously his choice, but it makes one wonder what in the heck!
There is always someone else to blame for our failings in this country.
Our healthcare costs are out of control and no one can attribute it to personal choice that 60% of Americans have made to not exercise and and over eat to over weight and obese.
I don’t know that I necessarily believe that 60% is entirely by choice. The fact is there is crap food being sold for cheap thanks to government interference (corn subsidies) that is exacerbating the problem.
As always you miss the point and go for the headlines.
You ignore the personal choices people make.
You ignore a complacent government who has a FDA approving drugs yet it’s the manufacturers fault. And icing to the cake you focus on one company as the root of all evil.
Would you have the government end all pain killers available to doctors?
It is completely up to every individual to maximize their own health, but it is a society’s responsibility to educate people and give them access to a productive healthy life.