What does everyone think is the solution to the opioid crisis? DAVE'S THREAD

It does make you wonder what the heck.

I think of people who gravitate to things like this as buckets with a hole in them. Something is missing and no matter how much you try the bucket just never fills.

I’d like to believe the answer to this starts at birth and a strong family that supports a sense of self worth does a lot to plug those holes.

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Hey maybe it’s a right.

It’s every persons choice to educate themselves and every persons choice to be a productive member of society. Health is also a personal choice.

No. It isn’t. I hate to break it to you, cupcake, but “society” doesn’t owe you, me, or anyone else a goddamn thing.


There is always someone else to blame for our failings in this country.

Our healthcare costs are out of control and no one can attribute it to personal choice that 60% of Americans have made to not exercise and and over eat to over weight and obese.

No doubt. So, let’s demonize providers of “bad food” making a profit from those who make bad personal choices.


I’d rather demonize the Federal government who continues to enable them through taxpayer subsidies. Subsidies which are going to a multi billion dollar industry. Figure that one out.

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Same here, LouMan.

Just let me know how many days so I can mentally prepare.

Knowing this too shall pass.

The education is out there, Dave. Society has done its job.

You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it drink.

Enough with the blame game and pointing of fingers except at self.


Fifty percent of the American human biomass, on average, can be traced to corn consumption.

Corn is in 3 out of 4 products sold in the US. Hmm …

I think you misinterpret me. Society doesn’t “owe” us this, but, it is a successful society’s responsibility to provide this. It is an important distiction between “entitlement” and social responsibility.

You can attempt to couch it however you want. If you expect “society” (translation: other people) to pay for it, you’re talking about an entitlement. End of story.

Its always easy for the successful to say this kind of thing. Try growing up in the ghettos, only knowing how to hustle and sling drugs. Just work hard and go to school you say? Its a completely different game for some.

Who said anything about easy? Careful Dave, your entitlement is showing again.


Sorry to hear about your cousin, that is sad! You along with many here and across the country are either directly and indirectly affected by this crisis! This sucks!

Correction “Pragmatic”

I specifically said “not” entitlement.
Do the mention of ghettos work you up?

It has been provided.

You’d really have to be a moron to be unaware of the opioid crisis.

But that would lead to digression into Darwinism which may or not be relevant to this thread.

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No. You do know we have posters here who grew up in some of those ghettos and are now successful, right? Maybe you should try selling that tired narrative on a board that leans further left. :roll_eyes:

This is true! High Fructose Corn Syrup? Does that qualify?

Yes. It also falls under subsidies.

I’ll take that as a compliment, after having read a few other threads, with the exception that Pragmatic gets a bit tunnel visioned. (i probably do too)