“The Naked Communist” by W. Cleon Skousen
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“The war between freedom and slavery is not just a fight to be waged by congressmen, the President, soldiers and diplomats. Fighting communism, socialism and the subversion of constitutional government is everybody’s job.”
Mar 07, 2019
Gator rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
Shelves: highly-recommended
*> "The Naked Communist By W. Cleon Skousen is a very special book, here’s how we came to know each other . Last year I was at a thrift store and I stumbled upon a documentary titled, Agenda: Grinding America Down (2010), I watched it and was impressed very much. The Film referenced Skousen’s book the Naked Communist enough for me to notice and take an interest in reading it, so fast forward to now and I can say in all sincerity this book is a game changer. *
*Here we all are in the year 2019 and we are certainly surrounded by all the dangers that Skousen was warning about in 1958, his warnings were not heeded. Let me show you some reasons why you should read this book, Americans/Europeans in particular need a major refresher course on Communism/Socialism. *
*Skousen goes over some of the 45 stated goals of communist here is number #15. Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States. (Democratic Party AOC, Bernie, California…) *
*#17. Get Control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the Curriculum. Get Control of Teachers’ associations. Put the party line in textbooks. (#Redfored, sound familiar?) *
#25. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio and TV. (Enough said there)
*#36. Infiltrate and gain control of more unions. (Don’t most unions vote Democrat? YES!) *
*#40. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce. *
*#42. Create the impression that violence and insurrection are legitimate aspects of the American Tradition; that students and special - interest groups should rise up and use “united force” to solve economic, political or social problems. (plenty of these types around these days, Skousen was warning about communist and now in 2019 "Anarcho-Communist"march around all major cities looking to “Bash the fash.”) *
*I highly recommend getting the book just for the list of 45 he compiled, its Prophetic. He goes on to write what can the ordinary individual can do, here is a sample of what he says. “The war between freedom and slavery is not just a fight to be waged by congressmen, the President, soldiers and diplomats. Fighting communism, socialism and the subversion of constitutional government is everybody’s job.” *
*He gives advise to parents, here on his list I present #1. Stay close to your children to make sure they are being trained to think like Washington and Lincoln, not like Marx and Lenin. (Schools across the west now praise these two and pump out Marxist/Leninist like its their job, meanwhile they now condemn the likes of Washington and Lincoln.) *
*Skousen goes on to give advice to Students, Legislators, Ministers, Parents… *
*Here is some suggestions he gives to students. *
*#3. When you run across dedicated Socialist, remember that the only difference between a Socialist and a Communist is in the method of takeover. *
*The desire to seize monolithic control of society is the same in both. Sometimes people forget that USSR stands for the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Some people count Socialism “good” and Communism “bad.” In reality the two are twins. YIKES! The two are twins he says and indeed he is correct. *
I absolutely love this book, it oozes Patriotism, Americanism, Anti Communism and Anti Socialism and it is really NEEDED these days. Skousens message came across loud and clear and it was a true breath of fresh air even though it was written in 1958 it feels just as pertinent reading it now. Get to the book store or on eBay and get yourself The Naked Communist and you will be glad you did. America needs patriots and this book is essential in that fight. God Bless you and May God continue to bless the United States of America. RIP Patriot Skousen."