What Brought us to Today's Leftwing Insanity About the Supreme Court


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By the time White House officials faced questions about replacing Ruth Bader Ginsburg, they were armed with two arguments from different corners of the conservative world.

In one corner, establishment Republican circles spent the weeks prior to Ginsburg’s death laying out a technocratic case that President Donald Trump had both a constitutional mandate and historical precedent to lean on.

In the other corner, the fervent, pro-Trump MAGA crowd mobilized after Ginsburg’s death to make a more tribalistic argument that Trump had to fill the seat to prevent communism and Democratic power grabs.

Both arguments have since been deployed at the White House as it defends the decision to move quickly to replace Ginsburg. During a press briefing on Tuesday, White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany cited an August column from Dan McLaughlin, a senior writer at the genteel conservative National Review who openly dislikes Trump, that argued norms and laws “are all on their side.” At that same briefing, McEnany also urged viewers to “contrast the president’s solemn constitutional duty with Democrats’ ‘search and destroy’ politics,” echoing the headlines in MAGA media outlets like American Greatness, where one story called the confirmation battle a “referendum on communism and revolution.”

The development is a bit of a first-term coup for Trump: after years of mostly courting his base while stiff-arming the GOP establishment, the president has successfully brought them together for his Supreme Court confirmation fight. Historically, Trump and his team relied on the MAGA echo chamber to amplify and source his defenses. But now, Trump can also lean on establishment Republicans who have so often been a foil during his presidency. It’s a fact that has allowed the White House to appeal to both Trump’s close allies in the Senate — which confirms Supreme Court picks — more more traditional Republicans, like Sen. Mitt Romney, who were seen as potential obstacles to getting Trump’s choice on the court.

Trump nominates Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court



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This appointment is equally important as the 2020 election itself. Dems know 80 years of Liberal and Progressive extortion is about to end via settled law. Everything Dems “accomplished” was never legislated, it was ruled on via the courts… that all ends and too will be reversed.



RBG died many a month ago.

How convenient RBG DIDN’T die until September 2020.

Nothing. It has nothing to do with you either.

This has been a winning week for voter integrity; six legal battles won by the Republicans.

"The 11th Circuit Court on Friday overturned the Democrat Party’s attempt to steal the election in Georgia.

“The court ruled ballots must be postmarked on November 3rd, election day, and not later as Democrats would like. It helps them to steal the elections…”


Meanwhile in Iowa a Kaboom moment happens! Talk about eviscerating your opponent, this is worth a watch! :rofl:

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Live Updates, Amy Coney Barrett Supreme Court Confirmation Hearings

Why has Sen. Diane Feinstein been allowed to stay on the Senate Judiciary Committee after we found out she had a Chinese Spy working with her and driving her around for almost 20 years?

WTF is Going on??

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