Wealth Taxes Will Not Save Democracy from Inequality

You know I was thinking about that , how his posts look eerily familiar , I suspect you might be right, When I asked him to tell me what city or town he was from he avoided it and used deflection.

He didn’t or couldn’t explain why the Canadian system is better all he did was just post articles from apocryphal sources at best


I’ve heard British people raving about it’s quality and efficiency and I also heard that it was rated the best in the world for a period of time. And that kind of success can’t come cheap.

As for medical tourism, I’ve already blown the US bullshit out of the water on their claim that more Canadians travel to the US than US citizens travel to Canada. Check it out and you’ll likely find the same for Britain.

The thing is Jen, their system bankrupts them and they need Canada or Mexico or Cuba sometimes to save their bacon.

So you’re obviously one biase Brit in the minority Jen. Your country needs to give you a good spanking for telling lies.

As for Canada’s, it’s not rated as highly as yours but it’s far, far out of the ballpark above the US disaster gongshow.

And as for them Jen, let’s keep em going! They always have a habit of disappearing back into the woodwork when I get em waving their flag on health care!

dog blus murica’s poor. oh, and dog save our queen!

That’s not true. The NHS is highly inefficient with an awful lot of wastage and corruption. This is the truth.

Or as Sir Humphries explained it: how else can bad doctors get enough patients?

Sorry Jen but the statistics I find can’t be lying. Maybe the problem is in your head because you’re an extreme rightist even by British standards.

And remember, we’re making comparisons to US style health care. Yup, your country is right up there with the world’s leaders and rated even higher than Canada’s

We have too many rabid foaming at the mouth righties in Canada who continually are tying to downgrade the funding. Good quality costs money, as you will know.

Excepting in the US of course where they pay just about twice as much as we pay in Canada for that which is better than theirs. You should do a search for cost per capita; yours against theirs for me. Then you can help me stick it up their collective bums!

Check this out Jen. The fu–ers who think theirs is o.k. is now the minority.


And check this one out too Jen!


So? Ignorant people who do not know the Constitution (which doesn’t grant the federal any power to provide for individual welfare) or else who simply hate it can be polled.

What I would suggest is that what people hates to poll the constitution cause it’s the govenment’s simply hates an individual granted some power?

Wouldn’t you agree?

Just to be clear, I’m not sticking anything up anyone’s bum. Not my thing.

What is the definition of “extreme rightist?” I am a true Conservative by British definition, a Thatcherite. I believe in small state and free will. I also believe in helping those in genuine need. I don’t know how the NHS compares to other universal healthcare systems, but the biggest flaw is that we allow it to be abused. It could be great and may have been good once, when our population was 50m and not the 80m it is now. The infrastructure is for a smaller population, without the obesity problems and Muslim invasion with their inbreeding. It’s at breaking point. I am not lying or exaggerating, just stating the truth. It is unsustainable.

I think as with most things American, they see the extremes. At one end, there are people going bankrupt to pay their medical bills or going without, but then at the other, they have the latest technology and treatments. The truth here is however, no one here goes bankrupt over treatment, but then we have long waiting times and not always the latest available. If it was up to me, I wouldn’t abolish the NHS, not at all, but I would sack half of the staff, the layers of management, make it only available for British citizens and deny entry to the UK of anyone without travel insurance. That would be a start. I haven’t figured out what to do with all the fatties. If you go down the self inflicted road, that would open up a huge can of worms.

If you don’t believe me, why don’t you ask other Brits here? We tend to congregate around the Brexit thread.

Dude, grammar isn’t white privilege, it isn’t white supremacy … but even if good grammar somehow were those things it still is your friend!

There’s no recrimination in that. My motto as a writer is: “the last edit you do is one edit too few.” I didn’t come by that motto because every word I’ve ever written made the eternal weep for joy but because I’ve written stuff that REALLY needed editing!

So look at that post for a moment. You lose the flow after “hate” (“hates” is very minor, the stuff of typos, everyone does typos). I’ve got some sense that you intended to write “poll about the Constitution” … but after that it just serious needs work.

Dude, trying to follow.

Dont claim to be an editor, and say this.

Fair enough on the editing if I wasn’t adequately clear.

You wrote: “What I would suggest is that what people hates to poll the constitution cause it’s the govenment’s simply hates an individual granted some power?”

It seemed to me like you started saying something like: What I would suggest is that what people hate to poll about the constitution because (snip)

And it is after this point that it seems like you’ve a real issue and need editing. Who is hating, for example, and who is being hated? It is possible that the issue is before that point and it was not the polling you were really getting at. Essentially the sentence needs some TLC.

As for this latest post, what you assert what the rest of the world sees, I would suggest that this is simply an anecdotal assertion on your part.

We have a fundamental disagreement on a matter of philosophy that extends to cause and affect. Where I, who sees wisdom in the practical scientific observations of Adam Smith, really do not even appear in what you may think of as the political spectrum.

Moreover, we may certainly disagree on whom is brainwashed.

The Alinskyites, the Cultural Marxist and before them the Communists as discussed by someone like Bella Dodd (School of Darkness, 1963) on the Left has invested significantly in producing many indoctrinated persons as Useful Idiots and a relative few educated persons to be fellow travelers.

In the past, when trying to help clarify someone if he, as a Leftist, had an education and a philosophy – or if he had been indoctrinated and merely had an ideology – I asked him to reflect on how he reacted to the rhetorical term “Islamophobia” which was a neologism coined to pigglyback Islam onto the success of the similar term “homophobia” and usurp the emotional and rhetorical themes associated with “homophobia” to serve the likes of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Please note that I didn’t ask him to tell me about his reaction to the neologism but to reflect upon it within himself. I wasn’t asking him to justify anything to me.

What I told him about the possible significance of his reaction is this: if he is able to look past the word and the emotional baggage assigned to it so that he could choose to resist the rhetoric then he had been given an education. But if he was unable to see past the emotional core of the rhetoric, if he found he could not easily consider it rhetoric to even be mere rhetoric but felt compelled to consider it profoundity, then he’d been merely indoctrinated.

The Left needs both sorts. They need actual fellow travelers, but they don’t need many because it’s hard to keep a lot of folks who’ve been taught to think on the same page. Conversely they do need lots of support, and so they fashion through indoctrination human parrots who squawk on command.

It’s why someone like Bill Ayers put up his bomb making tools and refocused on “educating” future teachers.

Look at what he wrote. Could you diagram that sentence?

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I always laugh when I hear some Canadians tell us that " hey our system is the best in the world" blah blah blah.

Truth be told, it depends on where you live, If you live in a major city and you have a doctor and you dont require elective surgery it isnt bad.

Sure you dont have those that go bankrupt of they seek medical attention but there are other major flaws with the system, you should talk to some people in Manitoba particularly Winterpeg( Winnipeg)
wait times at the ER are the worst in the country

is this an example of how fantastic the system is?

Truth is most system has their pros and cons, America system is majorly flawed, we have 19 different health system and most of it is not good unless you have good insurance, elected to congress and has major savings behind you oh and if youre really really and I mean really poor.

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Wtf. That didnt make any sense

Learn english, sober up. Then we can have an intelligent discussion.

I’m completely fluent in English.

The things you quote from those two posts were, in so much as it was my writing rather than when I quoted the other guy, very simple to comprehend.

He wrote: “What I would suggest is that what people hates to poll the constitution cause it’s the govenment’s simply hates an individual granted some power?”

I quoted him. And I just quoted him again. See those quoteation marks that I used?

If you are confused by what I quoted then you need to be addressing him. I’m not responsible for its creation.


A little something to shed light on the bankruptcies attributed to healthcare costs.

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