Wealth Taxes Will Not Save Democracy from Inequality

I find the comparison interesting.

My physician who I called last Monday and saw Wednesday for a foot issue referred me to a Podiatrist. I called the Podiatrist and have an appointment on April 2nd.

If I need an x-ray they will do it in the doc’s office. If I need an MRI, I will go to a private service which takes 2 days.

Horrible, horrible wait times.

I have had knee problems for years. I scheduled an appointment with an orthopedic doc, 1 wk wait. I saw the Orthopedic surgeon and he recommended replacement due to the long term damage. I scheduled the surgery and 2 weeks late I had my knee replaced. I was walking when I left the hospital. They sent a RN to my home twice a week for 2 weeks after I was released. Had a little physical therapy and I was was walking without a cane after 2 weeks.

Horrible, horrible healthcare system.

I call my doctor and have an appointment immediately if I have a serious problem. 2-3 days for non emergency issues.

Yeah, horrible healthcare in the US.

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Fair. He needs to sober up. That shit’s not acceptable.

I dont think the complaint with our healthcare system is wait times, i think it has more to do with the exorbitant cost of health insurance.

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I actually agree. Insurance and pharnaceuticals control the industry. How do we fix this?

Despite the belief that the UK is socialist in its approach to public services, there is very much a two tier system here. You don’t hear of our private healthcare. It is similar to what you have described. We have about the best in the world. You are treated as a customer rather than a burden. Ditto education. No Marxist brainwashing, all traditional teaching and proper preparation for the real world. Small class sizes of 14-16 and too many staff to count, all specialists in their field. Again, I believe our private system is among the best in the world. Both are predominantly white. You wouldn’t hear about that! It is easy to opt out of the system, but takes a bit more creativity to opt out of paying for it too, but it can be done. That is what Socialism achieves.

Well just so you know I at looked at the posts and there is a consistent pattern to all of them! There is no doubt IMO that it is the same as Prag! BTW he also succeeded in derailing another thread that caused it to being shut down, another trait of pragmatic! “Donheather” is another one of his many alter ego troll bots that he enlisted here!


I already told you the answer to that question!

Perhaps a diet is in order for the entire country.

Perhaps government mandating everything from mental healthcare to BC pills to immunizations is a major contributor to the cost of healthcare costs. After all, every 50 year old needs to pay for maternity care.

But no, it’s the industry’s cost not dumbass laws passed by government.