Wealth Taxes Will Not Save Democracy from Inequality


At last you hold true to from a totally biased publication.

Some medical tourists plan trips because they want to have a treatment that’s not approved in the United States.

Hospitals overseas can often charge lower prices because their doctors are paid less, and they may not have to carry the same medical malpractice insurance as American doctors.

You may not have the same privacy protections afforded to you in the United States under HIPAA rules

If your traditional insurance won’t cover the trip, you may need to purchase medical complications insurance, which will cover the cost of follow-up care and treatment if your procedure results in complications.

Depending on your procedure, you may need to stay abroad for several weeks.

A knee replacement, for example, costs an average $61,300 in New York City compared to just $16,000 in Montgomery, Alabama

But then again there may b a few drawbacks, ROTFLMAO.

I commend you for putting yourself through so much pain trying to reason with the unreasonable.

I suspect the don boy would like to see the US’s healthcare system trashed as much as Canada’s.

thanks, but he is a typical leftist, doesnt matter which country they come from America, Canada, the UK, they are all a bunch of nutjobs that has no clue on economics

Donny boy thinks his system is superior but he really doesnt understand his system at all.

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What he tends to ignore:

‘Free’ Health Care in Canada Costs More Than It’s Worth

The Canadian health care system is not free – in fact, Canadian families pay heavily for healthcare through the tax system. That high price paints the long wait times and lack of medical technologies in Canada in a very different light.

Many Canadians and commentators in other countries lauding Canada’s government-dominated approach to health care refer to Canadian health care as “free.” If health care actually were free, the relatively poor performance of the health care system might not seem all that bad. But the reality is that the Canadian health care system is not free – in fact, Canadian families pay heavilyfor healthcare through the tax system. That high price paints the long wait times and lack of medical technologies in Canada in a very different light.

In 2013, a typical Canadian family of four can expect to pay $11,320 for public health care insurance. For the average family of two parents with one child that bill will be $10,989, and for the average family of two adults (without children) the bill comes to $11,381. As a result of lower average incomes and differences in taxation, the bills are smaller for the average unattached individual ($3,780), for the average one-parent-one-child family ($3,905), and the average one-parent two-child family ($3,387). But no matter the family type, the bill is not small, much less free.

And the bill is getting bigger over time. Before inflation, the cost of public health care insurance went up by 53.3 per cent over the last decade. That’s more than 1.5 times faster than the cost of shelter (34.2 per cent) and clothing (32.4 per cent), and more than twice as fast as the cost of food (23.4 per cent). It’s also nearly 1.5 times faster than the growth in average income over the decade (36.3 per cent).

Remember going to the circus and 20 clowns would get out of a tiny car?

That is what the dem hopefuls remind me of .

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Nah. How about you provide the evidence within your posts to back up your assertions.

Otherwise, you are just a blowhard hoping someone will pay attention to you.


You moose lovers come to America to buy groceries , tires , get jobs , and avoid year long waits to see a specialist ! Big Pharma looks at Canada like it’s a third world Country and sells at a deep discounted rate . Please tell us about the waiting lists ? Far less leave Canada because they die waiting . :rofl::rofl: An African witch doctor could provide faster and better service !! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Here are a few facts:

Canada’s health care isn’t free.

Canada’s health care costs a bit more than half as much as the US health care per capita.

Overall, taxes are roughly equal in both countries.

Canada’s health care is rated as better than the US’s.

Canada is one of the happiest countries in the world. (I just had to add that in)

Americans should never debate health care with a Canadian or any other person living in a modern first world country. It’s equivalent to self-immolation.

But by all means, fill your boots!

And besides that folks, I’m delighted that Americans are still willing to suffer their health care status quo. It keeps a lot of them off the streets!

I never said it was

Different system you cant compare the two its like comparing the CFL to the NFL , its like comparing Mike Reilly as a QB to Russell Wilson of the Seahawks.

Rated by whom, the W.H.O? they are a joke

not if you live in Nova Scotia or Winterpeg
I think some of the folks in Vancouver during 420 would agree with you

Sure I can , you dont seem to know what youre talking about, you are just repeating leftist propaganda.

Nobody has said the U.S. system is perfect, its far from perfect, and while Some of you Canucks are happy with your system not everyone is happy

The Canadian system is good if you dont need elective surgery , I do like that you dont give illegals not that you have many illegals, mostly those who overstayed their visas, you dont give them health cards to get medical treatment and you dont give them drivers licenses even though you have a few sanctuary cities.

That I give you folks kudos on and Timmies coffee is way better than Communist starbucks coffee

You can’t compare the cost to the people, or, you don’t want to?


The US health care system can’t be compared to any other modern first world country’s health care system. Not just Canada’s!

Your homework: Repeat lesson one.

Americans must never talk health care with Canadians or others in first world countries.

(and be careful of Cubans too because they’re rated as one place down from yours)

I see that logic isnt something that comes to you very easily.

Now lets see why cant we compare costs??? because your government has less agencies than ours perhaps

Your government doesn’t allow or shall I say limits malpractice suits , your countries doesnt have the same administration issues we have, this adds to the price , duh.

If you to compare yours to Germany, France, Switzerland etc, we can talk because its the same type of system .

You think???

Did you know that us and the New Zealand are the two countries in the world that allows pharmaceutical companies to advertise their products?

Be Careful never discuss issues you don’t have a basic understanding of mr. Canuck.
I asked you earlier and you conveniently avoided responded regarding with town on the Island do you reside?

It’s you that suggested the US health care system can’t be compared to others. If you want to change your mind then just say so.

Your question on which city on Vancouver Island I live in wasn’t important to me. If it’s really all that important to you then ask me again and I’ll tell you.

Yes, Ive said that from the get go, you are the one that said yours is better than ours and I replied how can you compare to the two or any others

nice deflection Comrade, if you dont to answer just say so vs deflecting, makes me wonder if you really do live in Canada

If you want an answer then just ask without being rude. I’ve promised to tell you.

Being Rude ?? LMFAO, you will know when Im being rude.

Like I said if you dont want to answer dont, but Im starting to suspect you really dont live there as you dont seem to know much about your healthcare system and spout off rhetoric from some Leftist site.

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O.k., a polite question deserves a polite answer.


1.4 Million Americans travelled for health care.

Canada’s population is roughly 10% of the US’s, so therefore 140,000 Canadians should have travelled for health care to make it the equivalent of the US.

10% of 1.4 million = 140,000.

But the second link says only 63,000. Go figure! Looks to me like more than twice as many Americans, per capita, travel to get health care!

Refer to lesson #1 for Americans: Never debate with a Canadian on health care. You didn’t do your homework and don’t try to tell me your dog ate it.

You’ve become my 2nd. favourist American after sixfoot, the lameass Klanner.

The majority travel for elective surgical, dental, or cosmetic procedures while vacationing abroad, (excerpt from the link your provided) killing two birds with one stone and some of them gets to deduct it legally if they prove its helps their business.

I dont see a lot of Medicaid people from that article

Canadians traveling for medical treatment for the most part aren’t doing it on vacation , they are doing it because of dissatisfaction of their treatment in Canada and they can afford to travel

By the way Ive read that link you provided , perhaps you should read it full vs cherry picking data from it.

Im still waiting for the debate and lesson, you’ve provided links which appears you haven’t read, so lets try that again shall we.

Tell me why the Canadian system is better?

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Typical Prag post! The post, the language is the same! Dude, your being trolled!

What do you think of our NHS? It is the world’s fifth largest employer, half the people employed by it are not clinically qualified, a third of its budget is spent on obesity or obesity related diseases and we are 0.5% of the world’s population.

We pay for it, but I and my family don’t use it. Likewise with education. The NHS is good for saving lives, sticking you back together if you’ve been in a car crash, for example, but for the latest cutting edge stuff, it is behind. We go to America for that!

I am for some level of universal healthcare, but not the monster we have. It should be renamed the International Health Service because that is what it has become.

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