I speak in terms of per capita when making comparisons. The US heatlh care overall is not as good as Canada’s and it costs nearly twice as much per capita as does Canada’s.
What could it possibly be that has caused Americans to continue to accept the screwing they’re getting from their government with the inferior, for profit, corrupt health care system?
You all sound like you’re millionaires who don’t give a rat’s ass about being bankrupted by a medical misfortune! Silly brainwashed schmucks!
The screwing we are getting from the ACA/Democrats is the mandated care which blows costs out of the water, not to mention the obese, over weight population.
p.s. Why is it Canadians come to the US for healthcare???
How long does it take to schedule an MRI in Canada? My doctor orders an MRI and I have it dome within days. Orthopedic surgeon, appointment the same week. Surgery for a knee? 2-3 weeks.
You can see your primary care physician in the same amount of time we see one however if your referred to a specialist, there is where we see a disparity, your wait is far longer.
Costs? Th US is a litigious country and the idiots in the US sueing at the drop of a hat forcing costs higher. We also pay for 40 million illegals and fake asylum seekers. All built into the cost of healthcare. But then again, we have more people in the US illegally than you have citizens.
Curious I read this in an article:
The numberofCanadians who are $200 or less away from financial insolvency at month-end has jumped to 46 per cent, up from 40 per cent in the previous quarter, as interest rates rise. True or false??
The U.S system is inefficient , it works if you can afford it, but it also sucks because those that can afford it subsidizes those who cannot and that includes Illegals
Sounds like you dont know what youre talking about, the profit health centers are the reason why some of us are getting better care and service, the problem isnt the profit centers, the problems is the government involvement, regulations and such.
I will give you an example of silly regulations, our famous “ACA” aka Obamacare, there is a provision the act that prevents Medical centers owned by physicians from receiving any government money, so you know what they did? they wont take any medicare and medicaid patients, these “certificate of needs” law hurts the poor.
And that pushes them to the big government funded hospitals who robs and rapes them.
You like a typical leftist who has no clue on how things work, comparing your system to ours is not only ludicrous but pretty much laughable
Do you actually know how your system works? I wonder if Kiefer Sutherland’s Grandfather knew or understood it completely .
You certainly dont know how the American system works and why it is expensive, all you did was spouted typical leftist nonsense.
I would be interested in how Canada does this. Are MD’s salaried, or are4 they in individual/group practices?
England’s NIH saw a doctor’s strike a couple years ago, as the pay was piss poor considering the training.
Does the Government nanny state indemnify doctors, or do they face potentially ruinous litigation as well as low income?
If this is so fabulously efficient why are wait time so long for surgeries?
" This edition of Waiting Your Turn indicates that, overall, waiting times for medically necessary treatment have in-creased since last year. Specialist physicians surveyed report a median waiting time of 21.2 weeks between referral from a general practitioner and receipt of treatment—longer than the wait of 20.0 weeks reported in 2016. This year’s wait time—the longest ever recorded in this survey’s history—is 128% longer than in 1993, when it was just 9.3 weeks." https://www.fraserinstitute.org/studies/waiting-your-turn-wait-times-for-health-care-in-canada-2017
Helps explain why Canadians cross the border for care
most of them are in private practice, they bill the province not the patient
In the UK they are paid by the government directly so in essence they work for the government while the Canadian doctors do not work for the government.
I have a relative who is a doctor in Canada as my mom is Canadian.
One of the problem is wait time for “elective surgery”, for life threatening situation the wait time is shorten, but that also depends on the age of the person.
Yeah I just read it again and with many liberties taken against Trump without proof seems rather annoying! However, because he hasn’t released his Tax returns, I Guess the author can make those assumptions without anyone blinking an eye to challenge him.
The entire premise though of trying to prevent a plutocracy does hit on a point. That video about Colorado politics that you posted on the immigration cost thread yesterday really drives home this point and is conflicting!
Also the article as it was exploring the idea of the IRS enforcement mechanism to collect these taxes is a scary proposition! Such as the surveillance aspect and connecting globally the financial institutions on one network! This would require a complete Orwellian take over that is on steroids! In other words it would be unprecedented to levels we have never seen before! No wonder many CB’s are pushing for crypto currencies other than bit coin to have a more accounting and controlling factor! These people who are writing this policy for Warren are morons, and have not considered the ramifications in what a wealth tax would do!
I think Warren is outthinking herself again and acting on an emotional impetus in order to get elected! There are simple solutions that can be adopted to prevent what has happened to the state of Colorado.
Flat Tax,
Term limits
And some kind of mechanism to eliminate special interests
The reason Politicians refuse to go there, especially when it comes to things like term limits, is because they don’t want to take a pay cut, and they hate letting go of power! In other words today’s politician abandoned the concept of public servitude!
It shows how a small group of wealthy individuals can buy an election and turn a conservative state from red to blue.
Polis is a very wealthy politician who bought his first election on the boulder school board 1 million bucks. His second election to the house 6 million bucks and his crowning achievement bought his 3rd election the colorado governorship for 30 million bucks.
So today colorado is faced with a progressive government who could care less about the state as they ram their progressive agenda on the entire state.
Far more Americans leave their country for affordable health care than do Canadians. If you show an interest in learning the facts then just ask me for the evidence.
Fact is, many Americans have to go to other countries for health care that won’t bankrupt them. USA, USA!
I’ll never be able to figure out why you patsies continue to put up with that bullsh-t? Weird!
Yeah yeah Ive seen the articles, people who have money that don’t want to spend the money in the states, these are not poor people on Medicaid.
Plastic surgery, getting pregnant and yes some serious operation, like a knee replacement, they could look around in America but they choose not to and prefer to fly else where, the point being they can afford to do so
A single mom working at McDonalds cannot, a Single dad working at Walmart cannot, the average working class blue collar worker with two kids to worry about cannot
that was my point.
And I know the difference between Vancouver ( the city) to Vancouver Island , you must not live in Victoria or you would have mentioned it, Im curious where on the Island you live, Nanaimo, Campbell river/comox or in between?