We need a Spring Offensive!

As the month of May approaches, patriots should start preparing for a ‘Spring Offensive’.

There are several national events scheduled for May, which we should take part in, and vigorously promote:

(1) Police Officers Memorial Week.

Police Officers Memorial Week starts May 14 and ends May 20.
[NATIONAL POLICE WEEK 2024 - National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund ]
“Please take a moment to think of those who have given their lives to protect ours.”
Although this seems to be an event celebrated mainly in Washington, DC, there is no reason it should not be celebrated locally as well. Contact your local police department and see if they are going to celebrate it – and if they’re not, and if you are part of a local patriotic organization, perhaps your group could organize an event in co operation with the police.

(2) Armed Forces Day.

Armed Forces Day is the 3rd Saturday in May (May 18th, this year).
[ President Donald J. Trump Proclaims the Third Saturday of Each May as Armed Forces Day. - Worldnews.com ]
Local veterans groups (the American Legion, the Veterans of Foreign Wars, Vietnam Veterans of America, and others) will probably be celebrating this. We should take part – not just showing up at events, but helping to build them. Local schools should be invited, for example.

(3) Memorial Day

This is the last Monday in May (this year, the 27th) and is a Federal Holiday – people will visit cemeteries, place flags on graves, etc.
[ Memorial Day - Wikipedia ]
Again, local patriotic organizations should be prominent in supporting any organized events around Memorial Day.

We should be involved in these events because they are intrinsically good things, reinforcing patriotism. But it’s also a way to build your group and extend its influence.

Note that Democratic Party politicians will face a dillema if invited to take part in these events, which they definitely should be. If they refuse, they risk alienating a large number of their patriotic supporters. If they do take part, they will alienate their more extreme hate-Amerikkka Leftist supporters. Tough!

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An sad day for America and those that fought for our flag .

On June 21, 1989, a deeply divided United States Supreme Court upheld the rights of protesters to burn the American flag in a landmark First Amendment decision.

In the controversial Texas v. Johnson case, the Court voted 5-4 in favor of Gregory Lee Johnson, the protester who had burned the flag. Johnson’s actions, the majority argued, were symbolic speech, political in nature, and could be expressed even at the expense of our national symbol and to the affront of those who disagreed with him.

Justice William Brennan wrote the majority decision, with Justices Anthony Kennedy, Thurgood Marshall, Harry Blackmun and Antonin Scalia joining the majority. “Johnson was convicted for engaging in expressive conduct. The State’s interest in preventing breaches of the peace does not support his conviction because Johnson’s conduct did not threaten to disturb the peace,” said Brennan. “Nor does the State’s interest in preserving the flag as a symbol of nationhood and national unity justify his criminal conviction for engaging in political expression.”

Justice Anthony Kennedy, writing a concurrence, spelled out his reasoning succinctly.

“The hard fact is that sometimes we must make decisions we do not like. We make them because they are right, right in the sense that the law and the Constitution, as we see them, compel the result,” Kennedy said. “And so great is our commitment to the process that, except in the rare case, we do not pause to express distaste for the result, perhaps for fear of undermining a valued principle that dictates the decision. This is one of those rare cases.

Chief Justice William Rehnquist dissented, along with John Paul Stevens, Sandra Day O’Connor, and Byron White. In his dissent, Rehnquist said that, “the flag is not simply another ‘idea’ or ‘point of view’ competing for recognition in the marketplace of ideas.”

“I cannot agree that the First Amendment invalidates the Act of Congress, and the laws of 48 of the 50 States, which make criminal the public burning of the flag,” he said.

The battle in the courts about American flag desecration goes back to 1907 when the Court in Halter v. Nebraska upheld a state law that prohibited two businessmen from selling beer that had flag labels on the bottles. In 1968, Congress approved the Federal Flag Desecration Law after a Vietnam War protest. The law made it illegal to “knowingly” cast “contempt” upon “any flag of the United States by publicly mutilating, defacing, defiling, burning or trampling upon it.”

The Court moved closer to the Johnson decision in 1974, when it held in Spence v. Washington that a person couldn’t be convicted for using tape to put a peace sign on an American flag. The decision made it clear that a majority of the Court saw the act as protected expression under the First Amendment.

In 1984, Gregory Lee Johnson burned a flag at the Republican National Convention in Dallas. Officials in Texas arrested Johnson and convicted him of breaking a Texas law that prohibited desecration of the flag; he was sentenced to one year in prison and ordered to pay a $2,000 fine. The Court of Appeals for the Fifth District of Texas at Dallas affirmed Johnson’s conviction, but the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals reversed, and the Supreme Court affirmed.

In reaction to the Johnson decision, which only applied to the Texas flag-desecration law, Congress passed a national anti-flag burning law called the Flag Protection Act of 1989. But in 1990, in United States v. Eichman, the Court struck down that law as unconstitutional as well, in another 5-4 decision.

“If there is a bedrock principle underlying the First Amendment, it is that the Government may not prohibit the expression of an idea simply because society finds the idea itself offensive or disagreeable,” wrote Justice William Brennan, citing the Johnson case.

The case remains controversial to the present day, and Congress has, as recently as 2006, attempted to amend the Constitution to prohibit flag desecration, with the effort failing by one vote in the Senate.

In one of his last public events, Justice Scalia explained why he cast the deciding vote in the Johnson case, on the principal of a textual reading of the First Amendment. “If it were up to me, I would put in jail every sandal-wearing, scruffy-bearded weirdo who burns the American flag,” Scalia said at a November 2015 event in Philadelphia. “But I am not king.”

Iowa man sentenced to about 15 years in prison after burning an LGBTQ flag hanging from a church .

“If you burn the Bible, it’s permitted. But if you burn a trans Pride flag, it’s a hate crime. Make it make sense” (here). Another example on Facebook adds that burning the Bible and the U.S. flag is “permitted” strong text

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Can you provide a link for that? The contrasting treatment should be widely publicized.

Iowa man sentenced to about 15 years after burning an LGBTQ flag hanging from a church | CNN

Thanks for the link. Having looked at it, I don’t think it’s as powerful a contrast as I thought it would be. We need a case which is perfectly parallel to leftwing flag-burning: someone – without prior convictions – turns up with his own LBGTQetc flag, burns it, and gets arrested. I’m sure this will happen, if it hasn’t already.

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3 youths charged in burning of Pride flag at N.S. high school | CBC News

Three youths are facing criminal charges after they allegedly burned a Pride flag at Bay View High School in Upper Tantallon, N.S.

The incident occurred last month, when one student, assisted by two others, took down a Pride flag that was located inside the school, took it outside and burned it. One of the students captured a video of the burning flag.

RCMP say their investigation led officers to believe that the act was motivated by hate based on sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression.

“It’s certainly difficult for investigators and also those involved at the school to see these events take place and it can be very disturbing as well,” said RCMP spokesperson Cpl. Guillaume Tremblay.

The youths were arrested on May 2, 3 and 4. Two are facing a charge of mischief, and the third has been charged with mischief and abetting.

Tremblay said if the three are convicted, the element of hate would be considered at sentencing.

“What’s important to remember in these incidents of hate-motivated crime is that we have to take into account the motivation for the crime itself,” Tremblay said.

“So, in the Criminal Code, it comes down to the sentencing. The sentencing will have a greater impact once it’s documented that it’s hate-motivated.”

Okay, this is the kind of incident we need. This one is in Canada, so it won’t have the sort of impact with most Americans that it would have had it happened in America.

What we really need is an incident in the US, where it’s Constitutionally-protected to burn the American flag, but apparently opens you to legal action if you burn a flag the Left likes. (Someone should try burning a hammer-and-sickle flag.)

Whatever isn’t part of the evil dummycrats agenda they can label a " HATE CRIME " and ban it , where is their opposition ?

And Black lives matter flags remain , tranny flags remain . Blacks have been painting BLM our streets in every City and they refused to remove it.

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What we call, casually, ‘the Left’ includes the following: –
(1) people who vote Democrat but consider themselves ‘conservatives’ (about 10% of Democrat voters!), plus
(2) ‘old-fashioned’ liberals [eg, the readers of New Republic magazine, plus
(3) ‘Progressives’ [eg readers of The Nation magazine ], plus
(4) the Hard Left (anarchists, Marxists of various stripes (Trotskyists, Maoists, reader of Jacobin magazine, other Far Leftists like AntiFa and the Socialist Rifle Clubs) – are not a solid monolithic bloc. (And they’re not four hard-and-fast distinct groups, either – there is a smooth spectrum from the ‘center’ out to the ‘hard Left’.)

There are many contradictions within that group. Part of fighting smart is to become aware of those contradictions, and try to exacerbate them.

For example, some of the ‘the Left’ consider themselves, or find it politically convenient to call themselves. ‘American patriots’. Others are explicitly anti-American. We need to do things to open up that contradiction.
[ Time to Throw the Intersectional Left Under the Bus! ]

Some people on the Left are, on balance, pro-Israel – certainly to the extent of not wanting to see it wiped off the map. Others on the Left would like just that. We need to find ways to open up that contradiction.
[ The American Socialist Split Over Israel - The Atlantic ]

Some people on the Left are explicitly anti-police, wanting to defund them or even to abolish them. Others – those closer to the Black community, who are the main victims of Black crime, for example – know that this would be insane. We need to find ways to open up that contradiction.
[ Rev. Al Sharpton discusses policing, bail reform, DeSantis ]

It’s like old-fashioned, ‘classical’ war, which was fought between large formations of infantry and cavalry. A good general aimed his attack at the enemy’s weak points – often, where two enemy formations join, because attacking there will cause confusion between the two enemy commanders as they try to co ordinate a response (who is reponsible for moving reinforcements to the point being attacked?).

That’s one of the things we need to do: attack the Enemy’s weak points, divide his forces, get them feuding with each other, and pull their most reasonable people, the ‘commonsense Middle’, towards us.

Of course, a single individual – ie people like those of us who post on conservative forums – has little chance to do that. (If we wanted to be more effective, there are things we could do, even as individuals, to fight the Left, via the internet. But most of us just want to watch TV and complain about the Left to other patriots. Never mind.)

But … we really ought to start organizing at the local level. An organization, even a small one of a few dozen people, is a huge ‘force multiplier’ for individual patriots.

Twenty-five patriots in a well-organized group can be a thousand times as effective as twenty-five isolated individuals.

The same case can be made with the burning of the LBGTQ flag as the original case that allows the burning of the American flag. Burning the Alphabet and gay mafia’s flag is protected speech and it should be challenged as such in the higher courts.

I guess such common law fare issues keeps the lawyers happily employed these days.


None of this matters we have far more voters on the government tit than we care to think about and the demoRATS are more than happy to dish out taxpayers hard earned money . Look at the number of ILLEGALS we are supporting and the DACA dopes with their collective hands out . What is the cost of educating these turds ? Taxpayers are putting these turds in HOTELS for Godsshake . Inflation escapes voters mind whatever the cost was two years ago , you can double that in 3 more years and demoRATS made it very clear these monkeys are here to STAY !!!


I disagree with your calling illegals ‘turds’, etc. Because why? Because (1) it’s false – a lot of these people are ordinary people fleeing horrible circumstances, including from Leftist regimes like Venezuela’s. And (2) this attitude on our part drives away decent people from the political ‘center’, whom we must win over.

The problem with mass un-vetted Third World immigration, even of ‘ordinary’ people (ie not terrorists or criminals) is that it can upset the delicate ethnic balance we have achieved in the US. Drop a teaspoon of sugar into a glass of water, stir, and it will dissolve. Dump a whole kilogram of sugar, and it won’t. Over time, Hispanics and non-Hispanics will intermarry, and we will retain one American culture. But create large areas of poor, semi-literate people from Latin America, and this will not happen.

So, we must regain control of our borders.

But … that shouldn’t be an end of it. America is a beacon of liberty, but a beacon can do more than attract people. It can light fires elsewhere. This DOES NOT mean the neo-con strateigy of invading backward countries. But we can help the democratic forces there overcome their own cartels and oligarchs.

For example, the President of El Salvador is waging a ruthless war against the gangs in his country (which upsets liberals). We should support him. If there are sufficient patriots among the Mexican military, we should quietly suggest that they make their own government follow his example. (And keep journalists away from the area of operations while they do the necessary.)

In other words, don’t come to America. Make your country like America. (Not the ‘woke’ America of today, of course, but America as it used to be, and, we must hope, will be again.)

Even so, and accounting to apply human dignity to asylum seekers, they are still breaking US law if they are entering the country illegally! If that happens then they shouldn’t be given any pass whatsoever. If they are coming to the US to seek asylum then they need to go through the proper process according to US immigration law of applying and being vetted. Unfortunately the horses have left the barn and the system that was in place for that process to happen is and has been abused beyond repair. Now we have 60+ million illegals that have already entered the country illegally and somehow they will need to be deported. Think about the cost and fallout of that endeavor? With all due respect, your bleeding heart rhetoric is showing a sign of weakness that doesn’t serve to guard our country’s sovereignty against foreign invaders and we certainly don’t need that now when we are in fact in a major crisis on a last chance to save our country. Especially importing low skilled people who going to be displaced by AI and are prone to committing violence against the native born citizens.


You’re right. We need to stop illegal immigration now.

But to do so, we have to win over the majority of Americans to understand the necessity of doing that. So we have to choose our language carefully.

Americans are, by and large, very decent people. They quite rightly have sympathy for a four-year old being carried by his or her father trying to escape horrible conditions in their own country.

Our message must be: let’s deal with the conditions in your own country. We can help. (Let the CIA concentrate on gathering information about the Mexican cartels – who they are, where they live, etc – instead of conspiring against American patriots. Surely there must be patriots among the Mexican military, who would welcome the opportunity to turn the cartels into fertilizer … er, I mean, subject them to the full rigors of the law. We have close contacts with them, and should make it clear that we’ll do all we can to help should they decide to do this.)

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Jose Inez Garcia Zarate
Nilson Trejo-Granado
Alonzo Pierre Mingo
Jose Guadalupe Menjivar-Alas
Jose Santiago Chairez
Hermanio Joseph
Luis Talamantes-Romero
Ivan Robles Navejas
Nicholas D. Guaman
Juan Zacarias Lopez Tzun
Raul Silva Corona
J. Chavas-Escobedo
Jose Victor Chaparro-Saenz
Roberto Martinez
Heriberto Perez-Velasquez
Juan Sanchez
Beatriz Fana-Ruiz
Beatriz Fana-Ruiz
Juan Carlos Vasquez Orozco
Jose Rodriguez, 27, Alias “Doinick Ortiz”
Maria Tavares Leite
Douglas Morales-Flores
Luis Humberto Gonzales
Jose Luis Alonso-de Leon
Igor Zubko
Volodymyr Zhukovskyy
Billy Chemirmir
Mario Tellez
Pablo Antonio Serrano-Vitorino
Ramon Hector Martine Ontiveros
Juan Manuel Flores Del Toro
Carlos Arevalo-Carranza
Neri Damian Cruz-Carmona
Eduardo de la Lima Vargas
Wilbur Ernesto Martinez-Guzman
Roberto Miramontes Roman
Franco Cambray Francisco-Eduardo
Gustavo Perez Arriaga
Tajay Chambers
Gustavo Garcia
Christian Ponce-Martinez
Luis Rodrigo Perez
Juan Carlos Hernandez-Caseres
Miguel A. Ibarra Cerda
Genaro Delacruz Ajqui
Joel Velazquez
Alan Jacob Mogollon-Anaya
Jesus Maltos Chacon
Cristhian Baherna Rivera
Ramiro Tolentino Guevara
Roberto Garza Palacios
Eswin G. Mejia
Margarito Quintero Rosales
Margarito Quintero Rosales
Manuel Orrego-Savala
Apolinar Altamirano
Juan Jorge Santiago Toledo
Victor Aureliano Martinez Ramirez
Eustacio Gregorio-Meza
Genaro Muniz-Padill
Jorge Solis
Johoan Rodriguez
Esteban J. Tomas
Alejandro Ramirez-Jaramillo
Jose Fransisco Flores Santos
Jose Angel Garcia-Jauregui
Fernado Reyes
Hermilo Vildo Moralez
Pablo Arturo Duarte Rodriguez
Raul Silva Corona
Pedro Espinosa
Jose Fransisco Flores Santos
Santana Gaona
Laura Flores-Santillan
Juan Jimenez-Olivera
Victor Rodriquez Reyes
Juan Emmanuel Razo
Juan Garcia Zarate a/k/a Francisco Lopez Sanchez
Gustavo Castillo Gutierrez
Galina Kilova
Rodolfo Marin Vela
Juventino Bermudez-Arenas
**Almicah Sergovir, **
**Jose Irving Guzman Dominquez, **
**Oscar Alberto Parada, **
**Jose Martinez Serrano, **
**Jose Eduardo Menjibar-Alaman, **
**Katherine Abigial Lopez, **
Mateo Guzman-Palacios
Luis Enrique Monroy-Bracamonte
Merced Garcia
Jesus Cabrera Molina
There are many many more look up these mother fucking TURDS !
Be very glad your family didn’t run into these TURDS !!



Hmmm… 65 out of several million. Where did you (not) learn math?

As I stated there are many, many more ! Some were never caught because they slither back to their shitholes , some managed to get off because of bleeding hearts like YOU .
I gather you don’t give a shit about all the victims so do that math now !

Yes, illegal aliens need to be stopped from coming into the US. The ones who commit crimes here need to be punished severely.

But decent people, which includes the great majority of conservatives/patriots, will understand that a lot of these people are fleeing horrible regimes. We need to understand that.

Consider all the Cubans who fled from Castro. They’ve become, by and large, hardcore conservative American patriots. Only idiots – and pro-Castro Leftists – would have sent them back to communist rule.

We need to support Latin American leaders, like the current presidents of Argentina (a libertarian, trying to deal with Argentines’ addiction to government handouts and printing money), and of Ecuador and El Salvador, who have declared war on their local gangs. Leftists and liberal civil libertarians are weeping about the necessary measures these men are taking against their gangs, but we should be supporting them. And we should be encouraging any patriots among the Mexican military to do likewise.

[ Javier Milei has turned Argentina into a libertarian laboratory ]
[ Ecuador’s Risky War on Narcos | The New Yorker ]
[ Salvadoran gang crackdown - Wikipedia ]