We need a Spring Offensive!

Sounds very liberal to me , just saying . :rofl:
You talk about the "rule of law " but you cry about these poor souls , blah ,blah ,blah . ENTER OUR COUNTRY LEGALLY PERIOD !

"Do the math " on the number of dead by these 65 …waiting , tic toc , tic toc …

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I am in the process of funding a website of the number of illegals murdering, kidnapping, raping, and terrorising American citizens! The numbers are so staggering that I could cut things with a knife!


Well try hard not to make Doug1943 cry too hard . :rofl: :rofl:

Some are out of the loop of their own advocacy! Familiar territory.

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It does happen to most 82 year old liberals :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I have no time for weak people! They die faster in the war for survival! Give me a bear that has been eating blueberries and I will shoot it and eat it! The meat will taste like blue berries and I will make no excuses for killing it in the first place I will enjoy it with no guilt associated with my actions !:laughing:

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In the possible civil war that is coming, the side that will win will be the one towards whom the military is, at worst, neutral. This is why conservatives need to be in the closest possible contact with the ranks of serving military people.

Patriots under 36 should enlist, in the State Guard, or National Guard. Others should become active in the USO or similar groups.

Above all, patriots need to organize at the local level. Any group of a few dozen then needs to form specialist groups: one each for Intel, Medical, Transport, Engineering, Comms, PR. If your group includes people with medical, legal, ham radio, construction, or combat experience, there are the people to be in charge of the relevant groups.

And then watch out for infiltrators, who will try to trick the ‘sincere’ hot-air merchants among the group into doing something stupid, such as happened to the Michigan Morons. Try not to have such people (either infiltrators or morons) in your group in the first place, but some will probably get in.

It’s no longer politics as usual. It’s war, and we have to prepare for that. Hopefully, it will never come to serious armed conflict, but that can’t be ruled out. Until then, our watchwords have to be ‘Legal’ and ‘Peacful’. Anyone who objects to that is the Enemy Within, either a conscious infiltrator, or a fool doing the infiltrators’ work for free.

America is in genuine decline – ‘wokeism’ has captured a significant section of the population, whose influence – because they’re mainly ‘intelligentsia’ – outweighs their numbers. This is going to have consequences, and we must be prepared for them.

It’s typical of not-very-bright people to mistake their own emotions (in their case, nasty and selfish ones) for smart tactics.

Consider a shooting war, in which one side – following the advice of the likes of the commenters above – announces it will execute all members of other side who try to surrender. Very very macho … it would make certain morons thump their chests and crow.

It would also be very very stupid. It would make the other side fight to the death.

Actually, the smart policy – the one that would result in the enemy’s soldiers NOT fighting so hard, and being more likely to surrender – would be to announce that all enemy soldiers who surrender will be treated very well, and to actually do that, making sure the enemy found out about it. (Via neutral observers.)

This is so obvious, that you really have to be nearly brain-dead not to understand it.

Conservatives make up only 30 to 40% of American society, depending on when the poll is taken and how the questions are put. To win, we have to win over a substantial number of the people ‘in the middle’, who, quite rightly, don’t like nasty-minded little bigots. (This why the Left try to smear the whole conservative movement as ‘racist’.)

We have to win serious numbers of Blacks, Hispanics, Asians. Like it or not, these groups make up a large fraction of American society. There are already substantial numbers of conservatives among them, although still a minority. We need to expand their influence.

We need a Wall along the border with Mexico. People who rape and murder and molest children, whether or not they’re citizens, should be boiled alive (although we can compromise and accept normal capital punishment for them).

But we also need to try to change the conditions that make ordinary people (the great majority of illegals) want to immigrate – the same conditions that your and my ancestors faced.

There are some leaders in Latin America who are trying to do something about these conditions, namely, the leaders of Ecuador and El Salvador. They’re waging serious war against their gangs . In such a war, you can’t be overly-nice about civil liberties, which makes our own Lefties cry.

In the meantime, genuine conservatives who want to win must know that anti-Semites and racists within our own ranks are the Enemy Within. Some are probably Leftist plants or Russian trolls, but the rest are probably ‘sincere’ low-IQ fools who can’t think tactically but just enjoy expressing their own stunted emotions.

Yawning Face Gif