We are on lockdown and prisoners are set free to kill again

De Blasio told the press that “I think it’s unconscionable just on a human level that folks were shown mercy and this is what some of them have done.”

How can anyone possibly be that stupid even if they are a lib?

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This is a State that bragged the reason they have so many virus cases was because they welcome EVERYBODY including illegals . The very same City that has close to 18,000 DEAD !!!

I wonder if anyone even bother to put a N95 mask on Lady Liberty yet? As she stands in New York Harbor “welcoming everyone to America”?

Probably not.

The legal ports of entry are the last place these sanctuary City illegals enter from . The never get to see Lady Liberty .


An example of the liberal thinking and the very reason so many are dead in NY .


Yesterday ,gov.HOMO told laidoff workers when they were upset about not being able to provide for their family any longer , he told them , if they didn’t like his directives get a first responder job


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Democrats believe that if they pass a law, everybody will obey it. This is the major flaw in their asinine gun control efforts. We don’t have a gun problem. We have an ANGER problem. It’s a problem that will likely never diminish. Human nature enables it.

What de Blasio and other arrogant Democrats harbor all too much is the delusion that everyone who hears them wants to be like them.

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It’s madness.
The USA has gone crazy.

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The beginning of THE NEW WORLD ORDER .

And when they can’t follow the laws they took an oath to uphold, like sanctuary Cities harboring felons .

Join the club - we’re even more crazy than you are. In fact the entire English-speaking world is!


When we have elected officials telling workers to refuse to go back to work because it fits their agenda , that dangerous , and damaging to our economy . AOC has an income thanks to taxpayers ,but brains she is lacking !

And it is reflective in most Sates today . Demonrats want the economy to crash( AOC ) and want workers home , and taxpayers are saying ENOUGH ALREADY !!!
Individual Rights and Freedoms

  • (1) Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favourable conditions of work and to protection against unemployment.
  • (2) Everyone, without any discrimination, has the right to equal pay for equal work.
  • (3) Everyone who works has the right to just and favourable remuneration ensuring for himself and his family an existence worthy of human dignity, and supplemented, if necessary, by other …


Let us have a chorus of “I LOVE NEW YORK” one more time ! :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:


The New World Order began when Europe started the EU. It was suppose to have spread across the globe with some countries “unifying” to one another to form “One Global Empire”. But it failed.

…as it should have. Local representation is necessary to guarantee that citizens of a locality are represented by members from that locality.

Our “localities” include City, County, State, and Nation. We don’t need some ideological pricks from Brussels, Belgium dictating what we can and cannot do. Neither does Great Britain, which successfully got out of the EU. Neither does Germany, Sweden, France, Italy or any other member of what’s left of the failed experiment known as the EU.


MSM enables it, its also human nature to be peaceful.

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