Was Jesus a Socialist?

Christian charity is given from the heart, it is not taken at the point of a gun by gov’t to be redistributed to constituents.

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The HS is part of the triune god. It is the part of God that gives us faith and inspires us as Christians to live that faith.

And more, the down payment (pledge) of eternal salvation, he prays for us in ways we are simply incapable of.

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Hadn’t thought of that angle. Got a scriptural reference for me to look up?

Eph 1-14… and 2 Cor 1:22

I think I got that right. Dock my pay if I messed up. :wink:

The first one seems incomplete… .?

Sorry, thus the elipsis thru 16 or 17?

“elipsis”? Don’t know that one!

I believe it’s Ellipsis singular and Ellipses plural.

Are we referring to a chapter or something else?

Chapter and verse. …

I don’t have that chapter in my version let alone ever heard of it.

I’m still trying to figure out if he’s just talking chapters there or if I’m missing something. I think he’s busy and speed posting tonight.

Romans 8:26
In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans.

Thank you, that’s one I thought I remembered but couldn’t pull it out.

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The trinity is a pagan doctrine that far predates Christianity, but borrowed by them during the time of Tertullian. It was not a position or doctrine held by the early church (which was wholly ■■■■■■■ or by Jesus himself…

Well that’s a lie since he spoke directly about the Holy Spirit.

ABC, def, ghost, jklm, bop, Qrs, wxy

  1. Test 123 test!


An ellipsis is a series of three consecutive periods known as ellipsis points ( . . . ) used to indicate where words have been omitted from quoted text

Hmmm! Interesting! I Guess I will wait for him to come back to clarify things, but Romans 8:26 seems to make more sense at this point!

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