Was Jesus a Socialist?

Various religions have tithing. They use the funds collected to maintain their facility as well as for supporting those in need.

Christian religions tithing is voluntary which is not like tax and redistribution.

The difference is mandatory which is how government redistributes money in our society.

People donate money which is VOLUNTARY redistribution.

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…and many charitable organizations give away food, clothing or shelter…not money which may be spent on drugs and porno.

Jesus scolded the crowds that followed him. Why? Because they were a bunch of selfish losers wanting a meal ticket.

If anything can be taken away from this is that Jesus was not a socialist. He didn’t offer a free ride, he did not say life would be easy but he offered eternal life.

In much the same way, the United States offers “freedom” (and I say that tongue in cheek) but many of the masses today want to trade what is left of it for socialism, a meal ticket, a free ride.

I don’t see much of a difference between the clowns 2000 years ago that asked Jesus where their next meal was going to be served and the clowns of today that are asking our government when their next meal is going to be served.

At least Jesus had the backbone to scold them and walk away to do more productive things. Take the message or leave it. He did his part. The rest is up to the individual to take heed or to squander.

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If you give with strings attached (expectations) it is for selfish reasons. That makes it not a gift but something self serving.

When you give with no expectations you cannot be disappointed. Remove “self” and ego from the equation. Otherwise, you can become bitter and resentful. That is the opposite of giving with your heart.

Remember that God sacrificed his son. Jesus went through pain and agony to take our sins upon him. Both ultimate acts of love without expectations.


No Jesus certainly was not a socialist. He didn’t promote gov’t control much less ownership of anything.

He did encourage us as Christians to be charitable and help our brethren which is a totally different concept.

Charity is a gift from the heart, it is not the forced redistribution of wealth at the point of a gun.

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Well that’s completely false. A whole lot of socialists are Catholic.

Robbing the rich to give to the poor in practice.

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Especially the eastern orthodox catholic church.

I like this verse and I think it is relevant in today’s discourse we are all probably experiencing’

"But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the exceeding greatness of power may be of God, and not from ourselves; we are pressed on every side, yet not straitened; perplexed, yet not unto despair; pursued, yet not forsaken; smitten down, yet not destroyed;"

2 Corinthians 4:7-9 ASV

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No, Jesus did not insist upon giving money to Caesar to build His Church. He went out and performed all manner of miracles with the work of his own hands, in whatever way he could. He chastised the people who used the law against the people it was supposed to help. Jesus also didn’t demand the entire world go with Him to do His work, He did it all with 12. Jesus is not a socialist and His followers should not aim at being socialist either.

Thanks for sharing your perspective on this! I am clearer about this question now.


You really have no shame do you? Again! How much are they paying you to troll here?

Libs believe this nonsense.

Of course they do, they are non believers and are atheists!

No, Jesus was not a socialist so can we move on?

Of course not, he’s a socialist.

Actually, I am with DrM. Monty’s posts to keep threads going, and rolling over like a puppy when backed into a corner looks like some kind of paid shill.

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Can’t argue against that any.