Warrior Well Being and Health Thread 🏃‍♂️ 🥋

I stopped taking suppliments of any kind years ago. I found them to be a waste of momey for no real benefit that I could see/feel.

Vitamin D is a little tricky. Too little is bad and too much is also bad.

If you live in a reasonably sunny climate, you probaly need no supplement because the skin under sunlight will synthesize D for you.

If you are a very dark skinned person living in Europe or the US Northeast where the sun seldom shines in winter months, you may need to get it either from certain foods or take a supplement.

The dark skin color is thought to be an adaptation to combat the excess D in the body. Ideally, the human skin color changes rapidly in accordance with the amount of sunshine, but it doesn’t seem to work that way — with the exception of some East Asians who tan relatively fast, and become lighter in the winter. Maybe. Maybe not.

This cannot be ignored.

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Remedy for people who have a cough! It works

And of course regular de-worming, even if you avoid raw fish and undercooked meat.
Parasite eggs can be airborne which you inhale in crowded trains, buses, schools and shopping areas.

There are many anit-parasitic protocols, but I use wormwood.

Another problem with crowded places is the shedding from vaxxed individuals.

There are scientific articles and doctors who say tobacco counters the venom in the vax which gets shed as the vaxxed exhale.

Native Americans have used tobacco for hundreds of years or longer.

Think about it. What’s the anti-smoking craze in recent years all about?

Coming from the governments who don’t give a damn about your health?

What exactly is the shedding from vaxxed individuals mean?


Shedding is in the breath of the vaxxed. There are tiny particles of spike protein and snake venom in the air they exhale.
There are some articles that nicotine counters such toxic substances inside the body, as long as you remain unvaxxed.

Think about it. Everything since 1960s is a lie.

The Rockefeller medicine and MSM claimed:
Salt is bad.
Choleterol is bad.
Tobacco is bad.
Hydrogenated oil (and margarine) is good for you.

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You are right everything has been a lie, including the quality and the make up of tobacco. Our tobacco which has been passed down through generations in our tribe doesn’t have all the nasty chemicals that all the major store brands have, Perique tobacco is commonly used. Although I am not a smoker, occasionally part taking in peace pipe rituals is something I remember fondly!

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I don’t know anybody with this problem, but who knows, everyone is autistic one way or another

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I don’t have the recommended temperature


The jury is out as to the benefit / damage.
How does fasting work?

From what I understand, we cannot simply fast as in the old days because everythting we consume — food, water, and air — is heavily polluted.

From what I understand intermittent fasting is limiting what you eat within a given time period on a certain day of the week. For example, eating within a 6 hour period on any given day and not consuming any more food for the rest of the 18 hours of a day. Its also not practiced every day either so I don’t know what this guy is talking about. There is no clinical proof that what he is claiming is substantiated.

There seem to be alternative ways of “fasting” like fruit fast. (You consume only watery fruits, like watermelon, and not bananas which are too nutritious)

Just depends what your program is. Some like to completely fast on one day of the week, or some do intermittent fasting. For me, everything is surrounded by my workout routines. I like to run 3 or 4 times a week, so at the beginning of each week I carbo load but the rest of the week I adhere to a 1400 calorie a day diet (Mediterranean) which has paid off dividends to my over all health, and being strict as to when one eats is also key. Limiting the hours I eat is really important. Gut health contributes so much to our overall health too that most of us take for granted!

Good info. I have a good nutrient dense diet but struggle with beer consumption. Spent a long time living and working in Germany and brought the drinking tradition home - but lost the hiking / walking aspect that is prevalent in Germany and foreign to the US.