VP K Harris for president?

Biden will step down whether his family likes it or not.
But it won’t happen until the 11th hour.

DNC will make it happen donors are holding their money if Biden remains . And if there is one thing dems love it’s MONEY !

I don’t trust Kamala to do anything except the politically expedient. I remember her disastrous performance in 2020, dropping out before the first ballots were cast in the primary. She got 2% of the vote in the primary. Like Biden today too much word salad. Her approval rating was around 36% simply dismal She pulled out the cheap race card rhetoric in the 2020 Presidential primary debates – “that little girl was me ! “ She even asked people to contribute funds to bail out people arrested during BLM protests. Her excessive glad-handing and cackling are off-putting to many of us. She failed at the tasks she was given such as the border In the last 3-1/2 years what has she done ? . She is practically invisible.


He will step down voluntarily ONLY if and when he gets the promise of pardons. He cannot be forced without being officially forced by a 25th Amendment vote, or Impeachment. He has all the electors he needs committed to vote for him on the first ballot. Period. Only he has the ability to release them from that iron-clad commitment. His campaign war-chest funds are only transferable to the next Dem candidate if he says so. He’s in the driver’s seat. They need to beg him to accept whatever bribe is necessary to step aside. They are fucking around and wasting their own time but wishing in one hand, and knowing the other hand will fill up eventually. Remember, he has always been contrary; that is magnified by the obstinacy that accompanies senility, and the two together with the fear of prosecution of his whole family rules him. The Dems have to figure out how to give him something they don’t have the sole power to give. Karma lives!!!

Don’t ya just love it? Kamalamala has the party by the balls as soon as Joe takes his out of their mouth. The wages of sin have never been worse. Even if they get rid of Joe and Kamalamala, whoever runs will get stomped into ignominy, so they will still have a problem to find a new cut-out. This is a Dem lose, lose, lose opportunity.

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Assuming he still can think.
It looks as though he lost his capacity to do so.

Actually, there are a couple of guys pretending to be Biden, wearing a rubber mask but they all seem to be tired of the whole shit show themselves. They want to retire but are not allowed to.

And you cannot help being an asshole.

Much more preferable than moron sheeple

There are no good options for Democrats. If they stay with Biden—they lose plus marginal seats in both houses .If they run Harris they lose even worse plus marginal seats in both houses.

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The ”interviewed” by a staunch Democrat operative/activist Who’s only concern is democrats keeping power doesn’t hide the fact Brandon wasn’t fit to be president 20 or even 30 years ago either.

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The media told you: Russian collusion was real, Hunters laptop was fake, violating the first amendment is OK, covid justified changing election laws, and Creepy Joe isn’t senile.These are the same MF’s that run these “POLLS” . Remember, the Dems will do ANYTHING to hang onto power including more middle-of-the-night ballot drops.


Democrats and the MSM demanded the 25th Amendment be invoked 608 times in 4 years of Trump’s term. But not ONCE during grandpa Biden’s administration. Do you think the media is aware or even cares ? The ONLY reason the few are talking the 25th is because of Joe’s meltdown debate and the hate Trump so bad they are willing to remove Slow JOE now .

Slow Joe is having to fight 1% of the media at this moment. The same media that Trump has been fighting. Only difference is. Trump has fought 99.999% for over 10 years! They lied, manipulated and cheated to keep Trump out of office and it backfired. Now Trump could very well be the ONLY President in US history to serve 3 TERMS !!!

When Joe quits his $200,000,000 war chest can ONLY go to the VP and the greedy DNC wants that cash so they are picking heels up as their nominee .

Kamala has a past that even Stormy Daniels would blush at . Kamala’s approval ratings: Bubonic plague: 20% Kamala: 12% . If Heels Up ever gets into the oval office you can expect more marvelous gems like “Outer Space is really big”, “The significance of the passage of time”, and her all time favorite, "What can be, unburdened by what has been… And THE PROBLEM OF SOLVING A PROBLEM IS NOT A PROBLEM, BUT WHEN A PROBLEM SOLVES A PROBLEM WITHOUT ANY PROBLEM, THEN THE PROBLEM IS NOT AT ALL A PROBLEM.

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You certainly fit both. Grow up!

I think the establishment that controls the media abandoned Biden. It doesn’t mean that the establishment wants Trump.

It gets boring having to deal with vaxxed people.
Need to be kind to them, though, because their days are numbered, (unless they do something about it, which they usually don’t, because they’re vaxxed after all, and they act accordingly).

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Can you imagine listening to this bullshit for 4 fucking years ?

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No , they simply want Joe to bow out to clear the way for someone that stands a chance against Trump because they HATE him so bad !!!

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New York Times
“To Serve His Country, President Biden Should Leave the Race”

Needless to say, the NYT is the mouthpiece of the Jooish America.
Yes, they operate out of hatred. I can’t agree more.

The media outlets know Slow Joe can’t win even with those late night drop boxes the dems love to use . They will do anything to make sure Trump doesn’t get into the WH even eat their own .

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Needless to say as always you have your head up your ass!