VP K Harris for president?

Kamala Harris Leads Major Biden Alternatives In Polls—Here’s How The President’s Top Replacements Are Polling .

Vice President Kamala Harris (45%) trails Trump (47%) by two points in a CNN/SRRS poll—a smaller deficit compared to Biden’s six-point shortfall behind Trump in the same poll.

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (42%), who has starkly pushed against the idea of replacing Biden, according to Politico, is five points behind Trump (47%) in the poll.

Gov. Gavin Newsom (43%), who has commonly been floated as a Biden replacement despite turning down rumors of a “shadow campaign” for the White House, polls five points behind Trump (48%), according to the poll.

Secretary of Transportation and former 2020 presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg (43%) trails Trump (47%) by four points in the CNN/SRRS poll.

At 44%, Sen. Cory Booker, D-N.J., a former presidential candidate who ran against Biden in 2019, also sits two points behind Trump (46%), albeit in a poll from progressive think tank Data for Progress.

Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker (43%) expressed support for Biden after his debate performance and is behind Trump (46%) by three percentage points in a Data for Progress poll… Harris is incompetent and incapable of leading at this level of government much like the dope in office now .
I thought this had to be satiric. Harris has been a disaster of a VP. She makes Jimmy Carter look good.

So if Harris does NOT get the nod will dems lose some black votes ?
Will dems lose some women votes ?

Will this cause a riff in the dem party ?

I’ll worry about Cacklin’ Harris when Biden is officially taken out. I’m not convinced he is going away.

If this all goes down and Harris is the replacement, Independents will kill any chance she/Dems have. I don’t believe those polls for a minute, She is considered by most of the country to be un-electable… as well as an idiot.


I think that she is always high.


I agree. I don’t believe the polls as stated above, or at all for that matter. The polls can be massaged into any outcome the poll-taker wants by picking and choosing respondents or the manner of the questions, or a thousand other ways. The Dems use polls to steering low-information voters who are like sailboats and vote with the winner.

There are a lot of people who will only vote for a black, or a woman, or a black woman, etc., but there are too many separate categories to satisfy everyone, so going with the best candidate is all you can do. The day of two of anything is past & gone, which we’ll survive because we have lots of qualified people. The Dems don’t, but GOP does. With Tim Scott on the ticket, half or more of Kamalamala’s support disappears, Clyburn is muted, and south Carolina turns Red. This ia almost too easy.


It will be her with an interim tag. She checks a lot of boxes including being the first Female black VP. Bookem Danno

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Being married to a Joo helps.

Bidenwill be made to go away by the party . Harris drives everyone nuts with that cacklin and seems to be on drugs . As far as the polls go they are wrong more than right early in the election cycle .


Harris leaves more boxes blank than she checks .

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When pollsters survey, they will get the intended results they were looking for . And asking 2000 people who they will vote for compared to the millions voting hardly makes it a true comparison . And some of those 2000 will lie .

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The smart thing for the Dems to do would be to get Biden out… and figure out how to bypass Harris. Smart is nowhere to be found in the Dem party. It should prove interesting/entertaining if nothing else.

I hope Biden does what he says and stays the course. It would all but ensure a Trump win.

The longer Biden waits the harder it will be for a replacement to gain any momentum and this will convince the party to go with the VP because Biden picked her as his VP over so many .

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You’re right on intent, but by picking and choosing which respondent’s responses, -based upon real demographics, get used as input to the poll they can fine tune 2,000 individuals to match the percentages of the state or city or country targeted. A +/- % of 4% is very good and probably as good as it gets, but they can put their finger on the scale at anytime. If the medial was being honest they would publish the error % average of the last 100 polls for any pollster at the end of any article containing a poll. You get that by combining the stated error +/-% and the actual error + or - when the election or whatever event predicted has occurred. If they were always better than stated it would be a smaller % than quoted in the article giving you confidence in the pollster, or a higher % telling you to be suspicious. They don’t ever do that, and we know why, don’t we?

Please notice another dodge: The early polls are only there to maneuver the sailboats. They are conjecture, or worse. As the event gets closer, so do they so just before the event they can be pretty close so they can have something to flap in your face when you question them, knowing that you don’t keep a record of the older predictions. Remember Hillary’s polls? Maneuvering right up to the end; and it didn’t work.

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And her head too, unfortunately.


Polls can never be trusted, given they are run pretty much by the same crowd.


The One & Only way Biden will step down is to guarantee Hunter will not be imprisoned for influence peddling to foreign actors. Joe, himself will not because of infirmity, but he is now protecting the rest of his dirty no-good, lying, cheating, thieving relatives from getting what’s coming to them.


The Dems may come up with an excuse not to hold the election. Anything is possible.

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You just can’t help being a complete asshole.

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Biden will not quit until forced. Do; think the dems have it in them.

  1. Jill wants to remain important.
  2. Hunter needs the dad as prez to run cover for his next court case.

Joe remains clueless.


Morons cannot handle truth.
That’s the long and short of it.