Virginia: Fairfax County Police Officer Suspended After Holding Illegal Alien to be Detained by ICE

I’m not even going to entertain your trolling on this one. How many posts are there here where you drone on and on about historic injustices and all of that garbage. When it was still lawful to lynch a black person did that make it right because the law was on the books? Using your logic I guess it did.

This illegal alien was in our country illegally, he was driving without a license (and presumably w/o insurance), he failed to show up for a court appearance, and he had an outstanding warrant.

If any CITIZEN failed to show up for a court appearance the judge would issue a warrant and that citizen would be arrested.


We have Obama to thank for this. 8 years of picking and choosing what rules he wanted to follow created this mess.

We need to have this chief arrested and removed from office as quickly as possible. He is prioritizing illegals over citizens.

I would never make a good police officer. Every shift would end with: “And then your honor, that’s when I shot the bastard”.

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And yet you did without ever answering the question of what the police chief did wrong. I understand that you don’t like fairfax counties rules or federal court rulings, but the police chief is following them.

Not to worry Jim, you’ll not be called upon.

He is following Fairfax County law…

Myself, I may not know the law, but I damn well know what I like. And I damn well know what common sense is. Sorry, logic & basic common sense have gone the way of the Dodo. We now have pandemonium. We now have this. Race for People with no sense of direction

So what you’re saying is Fairfax County law supersedes US federal law. Do I have that wrong?

Yes, federal courts have ruled that immigration enforcement is the sole responsibility of the feds.

That the police chief is following the law of his jurisdiction and cannot be sued as Claire suggested.

It’s funny how so many people appreciate state and local municipalities thumbing their noses to federal law until they do so with a law that you guys like. Then suddenly federal law is paramount…

It’s funny how you completely ignore the Supremacy Clause in Article 6 of the Constitution…


Monte, some day, your opinion may change when a criminal like this causes an accident and injures or kills a family member. I SINCERELY hope this never happens , only a thought.
The police officer should be given an award for his action. This says alot about turning illegals loose to show up for deportation hearings. Lets fill the planes and fly their ASSES home !!!

What opinion???

I haven’t forgotten anything…:man_shrugging:

This police chief must be confused and had a lapse in judgment in suspending this officer. He did his job doing a background check and found outstanding warrants etc.adding insult to injury, this criminal was released with an ankle monitor. How long does anyone believe this will stay on ??? The chief is the one that needs remedial training on what its like to be a policeman.
Monte, will you provide the illegal wirh legal help as yuo are Sympathetic to them??,

Why is it that folks like you always like to pick and choose what federal laws you think should be followed?

Which federal law did I say shouldn’t be followed? :man_shrugging:

ICE did that…