Venezuela Heating Up Fast-US Supporting Guaido Takeover

Where did I say anything about the majority? According to your own citation however, the US has the 2nd Largest population of displaced Venezuelans from this recent exodus.

A couple of C5A’s filled with small arms, ammunition, grenades, and rocket launchers and a handful of “advisers” would end this very quickly and cheaply.

There will never be a peaceful outcome as long as Maduro has the backing of the Russians and Cubans.

VZ is the last major Russian foothold on the continent and they will not give it up easily.

I get your desire for minimal bloodshed but the only way that is achieved is if Maduro is dead or in prison.

You’re posting Russian propaganda. The Russians have been backing Maduro and RTV is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Russian Gov’t.

Get a damned clue.

Well, this looks exciting. Good for Venezuela. I hope we see more improvements down south. This hemisphere has huge potential that shouldn’t be stifled by socialist parasites.


Another WMD??

What do you think that shows? Neither country has any significant military presence in the country. The Cubans however have 20,000-25,000 troops.

The Russians and Chinese have diplomatic staff and business interests in VZ due to the oil industry but neither has any significant military presence.

Have to take an airfield first…

The Russians relocated two TU160’s there (think shitty B1 bomber…) and what looks like a couple heavy airlifts of troops.

From what I can tell they’ve landed two cargo/transport aircraft with a maximum capacity of about 500-600 troops. Most of those are AA technicians and troops sent in to upgrade/repair Maduro’s S-300 ADA systems which were failing. The balance are probably a handful of Russian Special ops to train paramilitary’s and military police to guard their airfield and provide security for their troop movements about the country.

I can’t find that they have any significant troop presence in any of the literature I have access to. I wish Sneaky was still hanging around, this is his old AO and I’m sure he still has a better pipeline of information.

Everyone I know that operated in that area has been out for at least a decade or more and even my old agency contacts are long retired.

There is a wild claim today that the RUS already have nuclear missiles on the ground (interesting given the TU160 existing threat) in VZ.

If you’ll remember back to Obama’s second term (I think) there was a big hoorah about Maduro putting in some soviet medium range missiles capable of reaching the southern US. I don’t know if it actually ever materialized or if they actually had any nuclear warheads. I somewhat doubt the Russians would make nukes available to Maduro for fear he might use them triggering a real shooting war between the US and Russia which the Russians could not possibly win.

That is why I assumed the limited but targeted russian troops were inserted.

Putin is doing something similar in Crimea.

Someone wants his cold war back…

Which is why we should have stopped him early on in the Crimean campaign and prior to his taking a big chunk of Ukraine and why we cannot allow them to increase their foothold in VZ.

People seem to forget just how ustable that part of the world was in the cold war period.

“A revolution a week” down there again could be catastrophic for the US just due to the refugees which would then flood to the US.

From a cursory look, China and Russia have invested in VZ with guarantees of oil to build beachheads in our hemisphere.

There seem to be posters here that don’t understand that dislocation of several million VZ’s are a stress on the sustenance-level economies of thier neighbors, pushing desperate refugees toward us. Cross that with the Liberal enablers of such refugees and you have the real Russian Collusion…

Russia’s goal since the 50’s has been to destabilize and generate turmoil in the US. The Democrats have become Putin’s primary means of accomplishing it.

I assume that BHO has a lot of flexibility now.

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