Utah university offers fingerprinting for DACA immigrants so they can drive

Trump did anything: “What a dictator, America is ruined”

Trump did not do something bc of check & balance: “rmumour had it that Trump is incompetent”

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I love lap dogs that just roll over and let Trump rub their bellies.

Then you might just be on the wrong forum. No one here that I know of rolls over for much of anything.

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Based on casual observations or indications.

Guess I was casually dressed both times.

Perhaps you missed the part where I reported it to the supervisor at the DMV and they said there was nothing they could do about it.

You need to live in a state where illegals drive freely be hit by one and he leaves the scene of the accident. Yes bubba it happens. And yes bubba he left the scene and his POS auto before the police arrive. I did snap a photo however they never caught his as the address on his license was fake.

But is’t why we pay 400-500 a year for uninsured motorists.

You’re wrong, I frequently roll over laughing at people like toasted as well as others that are truly uninformed.

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Good point. I stand corrected! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I love bitches that constantly bitch and whine at everything bc they didnt get someone they shilled hard for into office till this day, despite a booming economy and record low unemployment.


That is actually true! It did happen! In fact a similar tactic was used when ICE formulated a sting operation for a University! A lot of Asian Indians enrolled and were caught! There are not just Latin Americans that are here illegally which is another reason why our immigration issue needs to be addressed ASAP! The whole worlds knows we have a vacancy sign up and they are exploiting it! The Wall can’t be built fast enough!

You might have referred to this…

Its because you only see what you want to see.

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Higher education my a$$ !!! :hot_face:

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