What’s the matter? Run out of original retorts? Keep it coming!
My friend I did not flag. The moderators will be able to confirm that. I have not flagged any message since I joined this site.
Sure what ever you say Mr I claim to be American!
Well these states are making state ID’s totally invalid and unverifiable for purposes of voting so they are making it a necessity.
They cant’ get what they want through the legislative process or the courts so now the blue states seem to be in full revolt and of course academia is infested with leftwing activists and has been for generations so it’s no surprise the universities are getting in on it as well.
I find this a bit surprising considering Utah is a red state. When did it become blue? Can this be challenged on legal grounds?
The state is still mostly red but the red’s have control of the university.
Yeah this is conflicting to say in the least and wonder if the state will let this continue or step in to put a stop to this! I am not counting on it as there has to be something else that is causing this University to be so brazen to be able to do this! No illegals should be given the right to drive in a country they are unlawfully in.
No telling. The legislature could certainly step in if they want to but the Mormons still get smeared as racists regularly and they may be afraid to step up to the plate knowing that will again be the claim.
That is absolutely nonsense! If the state fails to act then the FEDs should step in, then again they are allowing it in California and New York now so I am not sure what their next step is in order to address this issue!
No argument from me, but then politicians are routinely pretty gutless going into an election year where bureaucrats are not.
That’s a good point, but obviously this issue needs to be included in the National narrative as it pertains to illegal immigration! The other issue is the insurance lack thereof and who is liable if someone is killed by one of these newly licensed Drivers? University?
Certainly not, it isn’t the university granting the licenses and the states will simply declare sovereign immunity if anyone tries suing them.
The illegals will just be treated like other uninsured drivers although in most of these states they routinely get lower sentences if any at all for the same crimes committed by citizens to help them avoid deportation.
Drunk driving is a fact of life. Why dont we just let drunks drive faster so that the drunk can get home and off the road faster?
We take steps to minimize drink driving including education, public awareness as well as legal means. Why would this be any different.
So we should take steps to minimize illegal aliens…not empower them to continue their raping of America.
Of course but i am looking at this from a safety perspective. They are here so perhaps we can resolve two issues. They are in the system so federal law enforcement can track them down more easily and it could help to create a safer environment.
I have no idea if the safety angle will work but its worth a try plus like I said it makes them easier to track down.
This isn’t doing anything to reduce illegal immigration, it in fact encourages it.
There is no possibility that giving licenses to Illegals is going to create a safer environment.
In your opinion. As i said it could not hurt to do so.
This isn’t doing anything to reduce illegal immigration, it in fact encourages it.
I never said it would. I am discussing those who are already here illegally. Please keep up TWR.