Ukrainian war and peace

Mark Sleboda

Will Russia take Odessa?
However, if Russia manages to regime-change in Kiev, military action may be unnecessary. This was suggested some months ago by Peter Lavelle.

TV tower down in Ukraine’s second largest city.

I don’t know the military implication of this but it can’t be good for Ukraine. Besides, Kharkov has been blacked out, if I’m not mistaken, for a few weeks, promoting a massive exodus of citizens.


The Germans predicted the future of “music” in America.
(I never like jazz myself, but it’s a matter of taste. I certainly don’t consider rap to be music)

Russian turtle tank being towed away for repairs after hitting a mine during a successfull operation.

I’m still puzzled why Russia didn’t blow up the bridges across the Dnieper early in its special military operation.

The Russians are unstoppable.
Where’s the “Slava Ukraine” guy?

Ukraine: There will be Ukrainian tanks in Moscow.
Russia: You were right. There are Ukraine tanks in Moscow displayed at the War Trophy Museum.

Looks very comical, but as long as it works…

Abram’s cemetery?
The American MIC will hate that.

Im still here pal!!! Thanks to the US House FUKING around with the Ukraine aid package, Ukraine has no choice but to gradually withdraw because of AMMO RATIONING.
All part of a plot by the TRAITORS in the US HOUSE to delay action for 3 mths.Ukrainian blood is on their hands now as if they really care. Thank God for some European countries buying some artillery shells to help out but it isnt enough.
The PUPPET MASTERS in DC are determined to WHAT EVER IT TAKES to force Ukraine into a " NEGOTIATED SETTLEMENT" with Russia giving that COMMUNIST RASPUTRID his win to keep their place in the NEW WORLD ORDER. Any " NEGOTIATED SETTLEMENT " would ONLY benefit RASPUTURD.and wet his appetite for more countries because of JOE NEVILLE CHAMBERLIN BIDEN wanting to APPEASE the UNSATIABLE RASPUTURDS appetite.I guess Ukraine is guilty of wanting ro fight for their country . We only support countries that are UNWILLING to do it and only suck up US aid like a BLACK HOLE.
I guess all of you RASPUTRID supporters are getting drunk celebrating Ukraines plight. But remember, Ukraine is only the first country on RASPUTRIDS list. Eastern European countries will be next.

           SLAVA UJRAUNE FOREVER!!!!!!!

I’m in agreement.
Victoria Nudelman is one of the worst criminals who have sacrificed stupid goyim for Greater Israel and the New World Order.

This only means more Ukrainian dead.

Smart East European leaders like Orban of Hungary along with Slovakian and Serbian leaders know that the EU (countries) cannot be trusted.

I care more about America’s plight.

I don’t want Ukraine to be destroyed or it’s people killed. I don’t support Putin. I just care more more about my own country… that is being destroyed from within.

American, German, French, British, Swedish… tanks in Moscow.

Seems like a very popular exposition.

How good are British tanks?

Americans killed during a drone attack on ATACMS launcher?

Attacks on the Crimean / Kerch Bridge has only political, propaganda value without anystrategic or military significance.

Ain’t no such thing as “Wunderwaffe” in Ukraine.

Just like Ukraine said, “There will be Ukrainian tanks in Moscow.”

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