Ukraine Russia War Front and Updates đŸȘ–

The Reagan Administration’s Strategic Defense Initiative (caricatured as “Star Wars”) drove the USSR toward insolvency and ultimately to collapse. Now, the inept Biden Administration has reversed the process, and is crippling our economy through deficit spending aggravated by vast expenditures for aid to Ukraine, while Russia is spending a comparative pittance.

Since Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022 it has caused enormous damage. Thousands of people have died and billions of dollars’ worth of infrastructure has been destroyed in Ukraine. Yet all this damage has come at a relatively mild cost to Russia. Its economy is holding up [much better than almost anyone expected. And the direct fiscal cost of the war—what it is spending on men and machines—is surprisingly low.

The direct fiscal cost of the war — spending on soldiers and machines — is estimated to be about 3% of Russia’s GDP, or roughly $67 billion a year, according to the report. That figure comes from a comparison of Moscow’s pre-invasion spending forecasts for defense and security with what it actually spent.

Meanwhile we are stripping the military and spending billions.

The Russian action in February 2022 can be justified as per the UN Charter — Five ? maybe — because Ukraine was poised to invade Russia after massacring the Russian minority in the Donbass.

Notice the Nazi insignia?
This “pan-European white supremacy” group invaded the wrong country.
They should have gone to countries whose governments willingly flood their societies with so-called “refugees” from Africa and the Middle East.

Truth about the recent incursions into Russia.

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Zelenskyy was really out there trying to sell being in NATO as the only solution for security to Ukraine.

NATO wants to expand to East Asia (Japan and South Korea), despite their big fiasco in Afghanistan. Ridiculous.

Meanwhile a lot European countries despite the so called sanctions are still getting energy from Russia. NATO can’t live down their hypocrisy and their bad optics

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The Ukrainian offensive seems to have begun in the south of Donbass.

But no cheap gas for Germany which is already in recession according to Alexander Mercouris.

Which is strange but makes sense as well. They are the default US base of operations for NATO. The paying more is simply the price of doing business with the West.

An explanation of the fortifications built by the Russians expecting the Ukrainian counter offensive.
→ The best take “These fortifications look formidable 
 but are useless if there no Russians defending them.”

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“useless if there no Russians defending them”
There are no trees to hide under for Ukrainians. Russian artillery and helicopters will be waiting for them.

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The western media is eerily quiet about the (failed) Ukrainian offensive.


John Kirby = PUKE! There is no bigger paper propagandist than this buffoon.

I also find it disgusting how MSM is lining up in anticipation to report on this so called big counter offensive so they can profit from it! That is pretty disgusting.

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Surprising comments from Bill Clinton on Putin.

“Putin always kept his word and honored his agreements”

F16 and F35 are useless.

Nova Kahovka Dam in Kherson region was destroyed. A flooding of the area is happening right now.
→ Reminder: The Russian troops withdrew from the western bank of Kherson because they feared exactly this. What would have made their troops cut off.

It is unclear who destroyed it. But technically the makes the crossing between the western and eastern Kherson banks complicated.

If the Ukrainians wanted to mount an attack from there 
 than the Russians profit.

Where are the environmentalist to decry the damage being done here? This accomplishes nothing militarily.


What Ukraine under coke snorting Zelensky does makes less and less sense.

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Fking idiots!

So brilliantly said. “You have to be lied to, at full volume for years” to believe some of the absurd shit that Americans fall for. Zelensky is so obviously an oligarch war criminal. The military industrial complex is clearly waging a proxy war with Russia.

Tucker’s words