Ukraine Russia War Front and Updates đŸȘ–

Long story short. There will only be a rump state of Ukraine, which shouldn’t have existed in the first place.

What is Ukraine today will be divided up into parts of Russia, Poland, Hungary, Romania., and maybe new Ukraine around Kiev.

Here is where US tax payers dollars are going to, being spent by politicians elected to serve their constituents interests

They are not even hiding it, and if true which I am sure Russia already knows who is responsible then I expect retaliation ten fold.

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This is fking crazy. Now we can see why most sane people are very concerned who is making decisions and has the power of the Nuclear codes.

Then after his last comment he smiles with a sinister look. I never seen anything like this from a sitting president while making veiled threats towards a nuclear power. Really bizarre.

What was the US military doing in the Baltic sea? A place they have no business being in.

Same reason the German Air Force is doing their stuff in Japan. Germany was involved in Afghanistan, thousands of miles away from Germany, and now is involved in Ukraine — at least in terms of weapons, giving the Ukrainian solders a hard time, who can’t read the instructions in German, so they are forced to use Google translate (and often get it wrong) on their smartphones.

Colonel MacGregor on Ukraine latest

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Currently escorted by
our dog
our food
2 beers and
a canary


My God , what the fuck is wrong with you ?

Putin expressly said that Russia will retaliate with nuke under two conditions.

If Russia is attacked with nuke, and if the existence of the Russian Federation is threatened.

Yes, Putin did mention Hiroshima, but he also said German civilians were massacred in Dresden (a cultural city with no military, strategic values) and other German cities.

When the Russians say “Anglo-Saxons,” it is euphemism for the bankster race who own the Bank of England and the Federal Reserve.

I just watched the NATO presser with that fking dork Stoltenberg, and listening to his rambling on how Ukraine must be able to defend itself and that Russia is the aggressor blah, blah, blah. Its pretty clear whose bidding they are doing as the world inches closer to a wider broader conflict. Meanwhile Ukraine yesterday officially applied for membership into NATO, and it was interesting when ask about it, Stoltenturd avoided answering the question.

This presser was so BS I had a hard time watching this charade and theatrics by beta cuck Stoltenberg.

These dumb Scandinavians should worry about their home front, being destroyed by criminal and not-so-criminal invaders, instead of wasting their money on Ukraine.

We are in some serious deep shit!