Ukraine Russia War Front and Updates 🪖

Somehow I can tell from their looks that they are from the villages (country folks).

Country folks are often smarter than city folks who can get brainwashed easily (liberalism, wokeism, and all kinds of BS).

Jeffery Sachs though puts it pretty bluntly in stark terms, Ukraine is getting utterly destroyed and for what? Money well spent when its Ukrainians dying and not US soldiers? I don’t really know how people like Lindsey Graham and and anybody else who supports funding this atrocity sleep a night.

I forgot who said it:
Israel is an ally of the US.
Ukraine is a proxy of the US.

These neocons don’t give a damn about Ukrainian lives.
These neocons have been sleeping well since October 7, when the genocide of 200 Palestinian civilians (half of them children) per DAY started.

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More Ukrainian losses

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What slogan should the meat grinder be?

Let’s keep it kosher?

(What’s good for Joos may not be good for us goyim)

In Ukraine its forced civilian conscription.

I’m sure that’s the recipe for motivated, gung-ho solidiers.

Russians think the war in Ukraine is nothing but business for the US. That’s why the US talks about money, money, money all the time when it comes to this war.

The true meaning of the MIC is probably “monetary industrial complex.”

I thought hegemony was a dirty word.

BTW, Boris Johnson, former British Prime Minister, who sabotaged the Istanbul accord in March 2022 is Jooish and he’s proud of it. One of the (self-proclaimed chosen) people.

If an animal looks like a duck, quacks like a duck and walks likes a duck, it is probably a duck. The war in Ukraine is a Jooish war against the Christian civilization. (Look who’s supporting it)

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When do we fund America???

Mike Johnson and Chuck Schumer must have played duckies in the bath tub together, :sweat_smile:

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Disgusting isn’t it? It has to be a deep state operation! What else could it be?

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I thought it has been collapsing for some weeks.

Scott Ritter says modern weaponry of drones and medium to long range rockets make it too dangerous and vulnerable to have a large concentration of troops, gear and munition which can be attacked by the enemy without a warning.

Warfare has changed drastically from the times of the Cold War and WWII.

Thus Russia is attacking Ukraine in a spread-out fashion at all contact points instead of relying on big-arrow, massive attacks at specific points.

Most would assume that certain decisions are made in deliberation in a careful methodological manner. They get with their Vodka soon and everyone will be happy!

If vodka cures radiation sickness and even AIDS, it’s a must have at home.

Potato sugar can run the world some day! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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The big colossal story!

Gender and age pyramid of Ukraine — there will be no young soldiers for the AFU


What Ukraine gets, Russia will destroy.

It will be nice if China stirs up trouble in the Pacific, so that the US support for Ukraine and Israel will be made impossible.