Ukraine Russia War Front and Updates 🪖

Too heavy. Too maintenance-heavy, meaning you need the whole American crew to maintain them. And usage of jet fuel. Gonna burn good.

Not to mention they use Uranium depleted shells that will ultimately contaminate with radioactive material the area around their targets. When I was in Iraq, I saw the destroyed Iraqi tanks from the Persian Gulf war that fell victim to "Whisper of Death (Nick name of the Abrams Tank in the Persian Gulf war at the time) were sealed off with warning signs not to get too close because of radioactive material. They are not exactly environmentally friendly if you know what I mean!

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I wonder how much truth to this story there is?

The money that goes to Ukraine benefits the US manufacturers. What goes around comes around.

Needless to say, a lot of the money winds up in the pockets of corrupt politicians, like Zelensky, and Ukrainian generals.

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Yeah, but the average working American will ultimately not benefit and that was my point!

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No. Just making the minimum wages

I don’t think there was a bigger dickhead to ever sit in the Oval Office. Biden is such a total doofus…lol.

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Somewhere in Russia!

Still blowing it out your butt hole I see. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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This is so accurate!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Zelensky in Washington.
Updates on Avdiivka, Bakhmut, and other places.

They don’t have the skill use and repair the Abrams.

Ok expert, tell me what successes Russia has had lately on Ukraine without EXCEEDINGLY high losses in men and equipment.
They have had some small gains in territory but nothing significant.Look at their failure in Avdiivka and they are not any closer to encircle it than when they started.
What succes have they have in Kherson ? Ukraine has successfully crossed the Dnieper and pushing Russia back.
No comments on Russias TACTICAL INVOMPETENCE!!! Keep.the blinders on ans keep talking out your ASS!!!

        SLAVA UKRAINE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Are you really that ignorant? Seriously? You must live in a fucking cave or something to be that fking stupid! Holy crap! Proof positive you are beyond being a brainwashed dolt. We might as well label you a libtard because I see no difference that false propaganda you espouse here!

Go vote for Biden, or support your local RINO club, at this point you are no different than a liberal idiot!

Ukraine is in ruins.

5.2 million refugees from Ukraine have been recorded across Europe. More than 3.5 million have applied for temporary residence in another country

In the end, Ukraine will be left a smoldering ruin win or lose.

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Apparently this is what you and all the PUTRIDINDINSTAS here want. Russias INDISCRIMINATE shelling of residential areas is putting UKRAINE IN RUIN.
UKRAINE is fighting alone and is doing ⁿQUITE well despite being outnumbered and putting up with the US and some WESTERN POLITICAL BS backstabbing.
You and others FAIL TO BELIEVE RASPUTRID wont stop with Ukraine. If Ukraine.falls , Rasputrid wil go after Poland and the Baltic countries. He will not stop until he RECREATES the RUSSIAN EMPIRE.
If that occurs, and the rest of the.RASPUTRIDINSTAS can go and enjoy.the benefits of his COMMUNIST SOCIETY.

      SLAVA UKRAINE.!!!!!!!!!!!!

Scott Ritter said Russia is incapable of occupying the entirety of Ukraine from the sheer troop number, let alone Poland and the Baltic states.

All RUSSIA has to do is to take the countries capitals and install their COMMUNIST GOVERNMENT without a large occupation force.