Two monsters here illegally raped same little 11-year old

GIVE THEM TO ME. I AM CREATIVE. I WILL SHOW THEM WHAT FOR. They will believe they have met Satan.

[quote=“Rurudyne, post:66, topic:4489”]
Death is a moment.

Heaven and Hell are forever.

Everyone is going to physically die.

These people who are polluting the minds of kids are trying to do something much worse than simply killing them. They deserve to die for what they are doing.

God feels strongly enough about it that he completely wiped Sodom and Gomorrah from the face of the earth only sparing Lot, his wife and two daughters.

One of the most prevalent sins in Sodom was the homosexuality of the men, engaging in sexual relations with the other men and boys. Sodom is where we get the term “sodomy and sodomites” named after this widespread sin of the town.
The Bible Story of Sodom and Gomorrah and Its Destruction

One moment of selfish depravity costs another and their families a lifetime of angst.

IMO, rape should be a life sentence. Oftentimes it is with the way prison inmates feel about child rapists.

Conviction for rape of an 11 year old should carry a mandatory sentence of complete surgical castration.

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I don’t have an issue with that but I think it is only part of a solution. Not being able to have sex doesn’t alleviate the desire to commit violence via sexual assault…

can presidential candidate Mike Huckabee is under the spotlight this week for helping grant parole to Wayne Dumond, a convicted rapist who had been castrated more than a decade earlier in what he claimed was a violent attack. * After Dumond was released from prison in 1999, he went on to rape and murder at least one woman, and maybe two. How can someone who’s been castrated still commit rape? Can a sex offender still have sex after he's been castrated?

In addition, laboratory research has consistently shown that rapists differ from nonrapists in their patterns of sexual arousal. Rapists show higher erectile response to hearing scenarios of nonconsenting sex. This fact does not exclude the possibility that rapists are responding to the implied violence in the nonconsent scenario, rather than to the sex. However, research has shown that rapists do not differ from nonrapists in response to scenarios of non-sexual violence. For example, in 2012, Canadian researcher Grant Harris and colleagues summarized the research on rapists’ sexual responses thus: “Violence and injury without sexual activity do not usually produce much erectile responding among rapists.”

In other words, rapists have a unique taste for nonconsensual sex, rather than for nonconsensual violence per se. Rape is Not (Only) About Power; It’s (Also) About Sex | Psychology Today

Is this the voice of experience or are you guessing?

I can guarantee you that a man with no penis cannot rape anyone.

…and a deterrent to the second conviction for sexual assault…mandatory death penalty…no appeal…no delay.

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Surgical castration for starters.; then begin to get serious. I would move on to a cage full of starved rats on their heads. Would be a super public TV event; & what a message it would send.

Neither: from the first article I posted.

First you said “chemical castration” which can be overcome by taking testosterone.

But if you mean surgical castration then committing rape can also be achieved with a foreign object.

So, to me, a large part of the reasoning is the mental state of the person. Just as owning a gun does not make you a mass shooter, having a penis does not make you a rapist.

Not according to English law. Using anything else is termed “sexual assault.” England may be the only country that stipulates that.

In the United States an object would fall under the definition of rape.

No. I said “complete surgical castration”. See above.

I think maybe the first time I mentioned castration, I said “remove everything that hangs between their legs”. See OP.

Testosterone won’t help.

I don’t know that horny studs who’ve been castrated have any desire for sex…for pleasure or power.

I do know that removing a bull’s nuts takes his mind off ass and puts it on grass. Same with boar hogs.

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Ahh, so you did. My bad. :wink:

Yup, testosterone won’t help with surgical castration.

And I’d be all for both surgical castration and life behind bars, no possibility of parole.

The threat of castration for rape increases the probability of the crime becoming rape/murder. It is easier to get away with a crime when there are no witnesses.

That is false. One does not need a penis to commit rape.


You are correct.

Definition of Rape -

Rape may be heterosexual (involving members of opposite sexes) or homosexual (involving members of the same sex). Rape involves insertion of an erect penis or an inanimate object into the female vagina or the male anus. Legal definitions of rape may also include forced oral sex and other sexual acts.

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oh so true, I remember seeing an interview of a scumbag rapist who is doing life and he mentioned that, as he tried to kill his victim but through God’s help and a miracle the victim survived and her testimony helped put the rapist scum away.

I personaly believe a bullet in the back of the head after cutting his balls off would have sufficed


What do we do about the ACLU filing lawsuits against cruel and unusual punishment if these penalties were enacted.

Well it’s rather moot right. They won’t be enacted.

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I know Monte, its a what if scenario.

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I wouldn’t really care what the ACLU said after the bastards were dead.

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