Not only that, but more evidence that the Obama administration was using their offices lawlessly, the IRS had said they had no legal right to withhold refunds during the Obama shutdowns. This was back in 2011. Now, unlike then, the Trump admin actually agrees with IRS counsel and has ordered the IRS to issue refunds.
The best part is there are 46,052 government leeches who are being forced to go back to work unpaid to do this. The IRS has been working “perfectly fine” with about 10,000 workers rather than the customary 80,265 that are normally employed. Makes one wonder why so many employees are normally needed. If we were smart, we’d just abolish the IRS altogether and eliminate the need to even file tax returns by simplifying the tax code, but that’s a topic for another thread.
The Obama administration intentionally made the shutdown as painful as possible on the American people in order to blame republicans and buy votes and the MSM was his enabler simply regurgitating the Administration’s talking points all through the shutdown.
Of course, and the Democrats were perfectly fine with the IRS holding these refunds hostage this time around as long as they weren’t getting their way. Funny how that works.
Not only that, but more evidence that the Obama administration was using their offices lawlessly, the IRS had said they had no legal right to withhold refunds during the Obama shutdowns. This was back in 2011. Now, unlike then, the Trump admin actually agrees with IRS counsel and has ordered the IRS to issue refunds… .
A union’s got to do something to try and show it is useful.
I’m happy to see the judge tell them to get their asses back to work especially since they know and we know they are not working for free. They will be paid.