The interview that the world is waiting for and Tucker explains why he is interviewing Vladimir Putin!

Why should the left get upset, since they still don’t know what Putin is going to say?

Could it be that they are afraid their lies will be brought to light?

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You bet! Shaking things up on the eve of a war.

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It’s going to cost many American and Iranian lives.
Iran should make sure that this war will eliminate Israel, so that the neocons in DC will think twice.

The most scariest part when speaking about Iran is nobody knows if they have a Nuclear weapon and if they will use it?

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Israel does and it has been using it.
There are reasons to believe Israel blew up Fukushima reactors in 2011. The Israeli “security firm” from Dimona, of all places, was a cover for the terrorist Mossad.
(The security cameras they installed on the reactors were actually small nukes, connected to Dimona)

The Japanese should have been more careful with the Israelis, but had no idea.
Think about it. Einstein, Oppenheimer and Edward Teller were all Joos, financed by the Rothschilds.

FDR, as mentioned in another thread, was a crypto-Joo and started the development of the nuke bombs and gave the technology (and material) to Stalin, another Jooish dictator.

I don’t like the religious regime of Iran but I think they still don’t have any nukes. North Korea has, and if the US attacks Iran, it will get the support it needs from North Korea and Pakistan.

Israel has been killing 200 women and children a DAY, and it will not hesitate to kill millions. Does plandemic ring a bell? It’s a Jooish conspiracy.

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I am hoping for some clues on how to make good Borsch soup. I bet Putin knows! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Need to get rootbeet (red beets).
Extremely tasty soup, if done properly.
Ukrainians claim it’s a Ukrainian dish, originally.

Funny I just had Borsch soup last night. Very Tasty! Best one I had was at the Russian Tea Room in Beijing some many years ago.

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Ep. 73 The Vladimir Putin Interview

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Some where saying that the reason Biden was giving a press conference at the same time this interview was showing was to create distraction.

It seemed to impress to me after watching this interview that Putin is a measured man and knows his policies well. Lots of things to take away from this interview

Biden’s press conference was self affirming of his mental health which is coming into question more and more.


Yeah, I wish it wasn’t because then look who is in line to replace him? We are in some serious trouble right now!

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Tucker giving a brief analysis after interviewing Putin. Very interesting!

The interview of the year is auspicious in the year of the dragon :dragon:??


Hillery doesn’t like the interview and says Tucker is a useful idiot.
If she doesn’t like it, it ought to be good.


She is just echoing establishment talking points for the sake of trying to discredit the messenger. Her and others inside her special club are losing power and the ability to control the narrative, which is why they have to run a counter talking point to what Tucker is reporting on!

EP 74 Ukraine


The US Congress and Senate no longer represent the interest of the American people, but that of Israelis.

Very soon American servicemen will be sent to the Middle East to die for Israel, (whose lobby will laugh their way to the bank).

At the same time, those who criticize this fraudulent system will be branded antisemites and Joo-haters.

Just remember the US government is by consent only, and once that consent is removed the US government ceases to exist!

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