This is going to go over well in the LGTQXYZ cult. I wonder if Obama will try to discredit this interview?

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Here is the full interview.

Wow! This is trending now.


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Sinclair says that Obama left a bad taste in his mouth. :joy:


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That almost sounds like a parody of a 80’s pop single.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Leftists on social media are thinking it’s pretty awesome that Obama is gay and asking what is the big deal? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Not surprising that they are saying this, and or that Obama is gay, its been a well known secret for quite some time. I think one of nicknames is “Bathhouse Barry”

:rofl: :joy: :rofl:

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One of the best speeches I’ve ever heard Tucker give

He calls out TX Gov. Greg Abbott for not securing the border with National Guard troops

Calls out MI Gov. Gretchen Whitmer for criminalizing pronouns

Post-Fox Tucker is the best Tucker yet

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It went over like water once again.:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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I was wondering who this guy was. Is he the face of change in a new way of thinking politics?

Just as you were mentioning Spain, Argentina is going through some strange transformative times.

Ignore this guys ugly mouth, but I am just trying to understand this story.

Why the duplicated thread?

Their system and their history is extremely one sided politics.

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You mean this duplicate thread Jason? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


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Jason screaming to be reamed in the A$$ again!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Nothing new of the lying hypocrite using his well known fake account to spam this site!


Ep. 25 Liberals like Karl Rove just tried to annihilate Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton. It didn’t work. Paxton just joined us for his first interview since his acquittal."

Karl Rove being called a liberal was an interesting label. While loosely paying attention to Paxton’s legal dilemma, the outcome of course has left many of his adversaries open to future condemnation including Karl Rove who by all measures is one of the lowliest political operatives to have ever manipulated the modern political landscape all for big business and the special big RINO club.

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