Try to Understand Black Lives Matter

No, we’re definitely not on the same page on this.

  1. Bullshit. I just sold a house to a black couple. Never crossed my mind not to sell to them because they were black. Two of my neighbors are black in my new neighborhood. Never crossed my mind to not move here because they were black. This is just projection and nonsense at this point, there’s absolutely NO evidence to prove this claim.
  2. Again, I haven’t seen a study to prove this. I’ve seen some phone calls from different people but they went out of their way to sound black… so here’s a tidbit. If you have ghetto language, I won’t call you back either. Why? Because I want educated in front of my customers, not some idiot that can’t pronounce ASK… and before you start the “Racist” bullshit, I feel the SAME about hicks that can’t speak proper English in an interview.
  3. Absolutely NO PROOF. The assumption is that because we don’t test based on ghetto language, we’re rigging the test against them. NO one sat down and said “Gee, how can we make these harder for black people”.
  4. Bullshit. A black man with a college degree and 20 years of experience makes more than a white man with a college degree and 20 years of experience. Why do they repeat this crap? Because blacks are less educated in GENERAL (culture?) than whites and they tend to take on different roles. The proof is that black people that get educated end up doing very well. I’ve said it here before… if I had the my black neighbor’s money, I’d burn mine.
  5. How in the HELL is that OUR fault? That’s a problem with the BLACK community, and to a lesser degree other communities.
  6. More whites are murdered by cops than blacks when calculated per interaction. As a matter of fact, studies have shown that cops are actually more patient with blacks because of the sensitivity these days. Why do so many blacks have run-in’s with the police? I don’t know, because they can’t stop breaking the damn law?
  8. Again, education, single parent households… hardly the fault of society.
  9. Again, absolutely not our fault. Want more representation? RUN MORE… of course, by that logic, women are by FAR more victimized as they represent 19% of Congress, making up over 50% of the population while blacks represent 9% of Congress while making up 13% of the population.

And let’s not forget, “institutionalized racism” is just plain bullshit that gets repeated with ZERO evidence.

So at the end of the day, BLM can kiss my ass. They’re a lying, racist organization and are as ignorant as it gets.

Side note: I sure wish you could meet my brother in law… he would beat your ass for calling him “a person of color”. His statement is “What the hell, I spent two tours in Iraq, I’m an American whether you like it or not and my skin color doesn’t have a damn thing to do with it.”

So how about we knock it off with the racist crap coming from the black community and start acting like Americans and unifying this nation instead of sitting around like a little girl crying “poor me” while you do NOTHING to fix your community. How to fix it?

  1. Fathers. Stay the hell with your family. Get married before you have kids and STAY with that woman.
  3. Finish High School.
  4. Get a job.

That’s it. Do those 4 things and you’ll quickly find out how the rest of us really aren’t racist, we’ll welcome you with open arms. Don’t think so? Some of my regular listens: Thomas Sowell. (My personal favorite one to read/listen to of all time. Reagan is a close 2nd) Candace Owens. Condelezza Rice. Alan West. Herman Cain. Ben Carson. Colin Noir. Larry Elder. Those are a few. I don’t listen to them because they’re black, I listen to them because they have good points.


That’s true of a lot of people that stay behind while others migrate. The people that migrate typically do better than the ones that stay behind. Why? Attitude. Drive.

Where do you see such a comparison. Humans are all apes.

The whole rock weathered over tens of thousands of years.
The aborigines kept the same lifestyle for that long.
There are a signs that they did the artificial burning of fields (common practice by aborigines today but often banned by white authorities) 150,000 years ago.

(There is a find from Java from this age called Solo man. So Australia was likely inhabited because the Wallace line is not difficult to cross during Ice Age)

No we are not “apes” by definition, we are hominids by definition.

All hominids are primates, not all primates are apes.

Africa is rich in metals and minerals.

Oh no! Wikipedia is racist!



The Hominidae (/hɒˈmɪnɪdiː/), whose members are known as great apes [note 1] or hominids , are a taxonomic family of primatesthat includes eight extant species in four genera: Pongo , the Bornean, Sumatran and Tapanuli orangutan; Gorilla , the eastern and western gorilla; Pan , the common chimpanzeeand the bonobo; and Homo , of whom only modern humans remain, with several extinct relatives (e.g., the Neanderthal) and ancestors, such as Homo erectus .[1]

How do you KNOW it was 10,000s of thousands of years and not 4,000 years? How do you KNOW the fields were burned 150,000 years ago?
There is the Indo-Australian plate natural land bridge under the relatively shallow ocean water that would have been exposed after the Great Flood during the Ice Age.
The person who edited that Wiki post must be racist. Humans are in a different taxonomy family than apes since they are not inter-fertile.

The “Great Flood” most likely occurred at the end of the last ice age due to rapid warming. The land bridge would have been exposed prior to the flood, not after.

We agree in part, the land bridge would have been exposed during the Ice Age. Where we disagree is the Ice Age was a result of the Noahic Flood not the cause. Scientists are unable to model the glaciation event except under the condition that existed after a global catastrophic flood event.

There are undersea grooves which used to be rivers when the sea level was low, and they found the carbonized plants just as you would expect when the aborigines burn their fields.
(Steve Webb, Bond University)
He said the date was approx. 150,000 years which was before the end of the last glacial period.

Which is nothing more than speculation based on a worldview that the sea level was low more than 4,000 years ago. He (?) can’t possibly KNOW it was 150,000 years ago.

That isn’t true either. They can design a model with any criteria they choose.

There is a fixed amount of water and surface area on the planet. The only way we gain or lose water is when cometary debris makes it into the atmosphere containing water and a minuscule loss of atmospheric oxygen and CO2 that escapes our pull of gravity.

You can’t have land bridges absent glaciation because the atmosphere can only hold a limited amount of water.

Either that water is in the oceans, in the atmosphere or tied up in glaciers and ice flows.

Sea levels changed depending on the intensity of the cold during the glacial periods. The last one lasted about 300,000 years until the planet warmed up suddenly about 130,000 years ago causing major floods.

The Tarim Basin became a huge lake as a result of the melting ice from the surrounding Tibetan Plateau and the Tienshan Mountains. That’s where Noah’s Ark floated because western China was inhabited by Caucasians, not by east Asians then.

(The Mediterranean Sea was a much smaller lake during the glacial. The same for the Black Sea, Sea of Japan, etc.)

Once again, assertions with no evidence. Only speculative dates. Prove your dating of these events.

Go check the geological records as for Ice Age temp fluctuations.

The last ice age peaked bout 60,00 years ago and ended around 11,700 years ago. You’re way off.

Using carbon dating and tree rings we can accurately reach dates beyond 100,000 years.

It’s your head which is out of sync with reality (as usual).

There is no peak; just more or less regular and predictable fluctuations during the Ice Age glacial.

The last glacial ended like 14,000 years ago when a great flood occurred, and there was another flood at the end of Younger Dryas.

You don’t seem to understand the meaning of the word peak.

The peak would be the point at which the greatest accumulation of ice and coldest sustained temps are reached.
