Try to Understand Black Lives Matter

Hey Louman! Good to see you here again! Welcome back!:grinning:

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Yea thatā€™s complete BS. If anything you can argue that the poor of all races have a disadvantage but it sure as hell isnā€™t rigged against blacks, everyone had to meet the same standard at least until AA and race norming became the rule.

Try peddling that BS to people who canā€™t read or use google.

All taken from DOJ/FBI





Basic values; what is the basis for basic values? If we are evolved pond scum, where do values come from and why do they matter? Therein is the crux (pun intended) of our moral demise. /soapbox>

Even atheists can understand the nature of natural rights and right and wrong on a basic level.

Dishonesty is destructive of society, murder is wrong, theft is wrong etc

They just donā€™t seem to be able that Nature = God since all things natural have a creator.

Excellent !!! And never allow them to play the victim .

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My point is, an ape does not know right from wrong, ergo if humans are just advanced apes, where do morals come from if not from our Creator? Denying God is denying the foundation of morality.

Being of a religion and a true believer only gives us a better anchor. The ten commandments not dealing with worship and the sabbath work just as well though for those who donā€™t share the faith.

Nature itself follows pretty much the same rules.

Anchor, yes. The 10 Commandments are universal, but nature has no such commandments. There are no moral limits on animals, no murder, theft, perjury, adultery, etc. Only on the foundation of a true and loving God of the Bible are our Western morals valid. (just saying)

Even animals will defend their families, children, food supply, territory, dens etc. They will fight to the death for all of those.

Thanks Doc.

Needed a break from some of the disgusting people posting here.


Sometimes itā€™s necessary just to maintain our own sanity.

Alot of black children are rsised in the " village" called low income housing projects which are in poverty stricken and drug infested neighborhoods.
The Dems attempt to keep them dependent on the government with ever more "entitlements."Dems waste money on these under performing schools by throwing more money to them instead of actually solving the problems with poor school administrations and bad teachers.

Not quite so. Elephants, lions and likely many other species of four legged mammals avoid incest by forcing males to find mates outside of the community.

Animals will kill indiscriminately or mate with any other animal of itā€™s kind without recourse. No ā€œLion Kingā€ judge (thatā€™s a cartoon).
Only humans, with a soul and spirit understand the concept of morality.

Says who? The dominant male will father his harem.

Read up on it.


Irrelevant. Animals do not have morals. Atheists have nothing on which to base their faux morality beyond the Ten Commandments. Since if, as atheists believe, we are all evolved pond scum, morals are a false concept subject to the whim of the individual.

ā€œAt some future period not very distant as measured by centuries, the civilised races of man will almost certainly exterminate and replace the savage races throughout the world. At the same time the anthropomorphous apesā€¦will no doubt be exterminated. The break between man and his nearest Allies will then be wider, for it will intervene between man in a more civilised state, as we may hope, even than the Caucasian, and some ape as low as the baboon, instead of as now between the Negro or Australian and the gorillaā€ (1874, p. 178). Charles Darwin Decent of Man.

You may have missed the fact that I did not claim that animals have morals. I claimed that some species avoid incest. Perhaps they have learned through millions of years of procreating that the offspring of siblings are odd or die young.

Lemurs use odor to determine how closely related a potential mate may be.

In gorilla groups, both males and females leave the groups they were born into.

You really should read something besides Darwin.