Try to Understand Black Lives Matter

No they aren’t, all races interbreed freely producing viable offspring.

We’re one species and our genetics prove it.

Interbreeding is physically possible with subspecies, but it usually doesn’t occur because of the distance between the habitat areas.

Exactly what happened to humans before Columbus, figuratively speaking.

We are but ONE race, the human race. Liberals attempt to divide and conquer people pitting one group versus another. We are all made in the image of God and are descendants of one man and one woman. Geneticists have proven this fact and the Bible claims it is true. No so-called missing link has ever been discovered. All such collecion of bones claiming to be another sub race of human have been proved either a hoax or simply a human with a disease such as rickets, i.e. Piltdown man, Lucy, Nebraska man, Peking man, etc., etc., etc.

There is absolutely no evidence to suggest we’re not one species.

In case you think the word “sub-species” means something inferior, you’re wrong.

It’s just a term in taxonomy to indicate a subdivision within a species.

I think as usual you haven’t got a clue much less anything to substantiate your claim.

All breeds of dog are of the same species, no sub’s and they have far more variation between the breeds than the human races.

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I guess we should define our terms. The Bible uses the term “kind” i.e. the dog kind, the horse kind. This almost equates to the “family” level in modern taxonomy. Species is a variation of the kind or family such as a Bull Dog, a Collie or a Mule, a Zebra.
Humans have no such “sub-species” unless to subscribe to Darwin’s theory of greater and lesser evolved species of humans. Which is absurd.

Besides that, aren’t we now told that genetics doesn’t even determine gender?

It determines gay to the Left, but definitely not gender.

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Genus, species and subspecies are concepts in taxonomy.
They have nothing to do with the Bible.

Different varieties of dogs are subspecies, artificially created by humans.

In the natural world, subspecies are created by geographical separation and show slightly different appearances (such as body size, colors of the fur, lengths of the fur — there is a lion subspecies from a very hot region in Ethiopia, I think, with very short manes)

Subspecies are capable of producing viable offspring without any artificial intervention such as liger.

We all have between 2 to 4% Neanderthal DNA except Africans who have none. We share 99% of our DNA with chimpanzees.

I personally think Neanderthals are ancestors of white Europeans with many shared characteristics.

Their fossil sites are Europe, North Africa, Middle East and Central Asia — traditional homes of whites, Semites and Aryans.

First, Neanderthals are fully human who lived in Eurasia.

The 99% shared DNA is ancient genetics understanding long ago proved incorrect.
First, humans and chimps share only about 70% DNA that is a difference of 30% of 6,469,660,000 base pairs genomes or 1,940,900,000 unique genomes that needed to be randomly mutated, selected by an unknown intelligence for some unknown reason to change a chimp to a human.

In truth a banana is only 23% different genetically than a chimpanzee, which may explain why chimps love bananas. :wink:

Semites were the tribe of Shem, son of Noah

The tribe of Magog, son of Japheth, settled in Lydia, the Causcasus.

The tribe of Sin, Ham’s descendant settled in Asia/China

Source; Table of Nations

No, all domestic dogs are of the same species and their are no subspicies, will canids are different species and subspecies.

I’m not a verbatim believer of the Bible.
It contains historical references, nevertheless.

Semites and Indo-Europeans are not that different, either physically or linguistically.

Before you start name-calling anywhere, it would be wise to check some scientific work.

Here’s wiki for you.
“The domestic dog is a divergent subspecies of the gray wolf and was derived from a now-extinct population of Late Pleistocene wolves”

Canus Lupus vs Canus Lupus

They are different species, and all domestic dogs are of the same species, there are no recognized subspecies. Breeds yes, species or subspecies no.

Wrong. It is actually 99.6%.

This item has been updated to reflect that chimps and bonobos are two species of chimpanzees that are close enough to humans to share 99.6% of their DNA. The international sequencing effort was led by Max Planck composed of multiple teams including 454 Life Sciences in Branford, Connecticut. The researchers also found that the ancestors of humans split from the ancestor of bonobos and chimps more than 4 million years ago, not more than 5 million years ago as originally reported.

Genes yes but shared chromosomes are far lower. He’s conflating the two.

Your evidence is over six years old. Genetics has a better understanding of DNA since that was written. The point still remains, even with only 1 - 2% difference, with over 6 billion pairs that still equates to more than 60 - 120 million pairs that are different.
Humans and animals need to be able to digest the same plant amino acids, have calcium bones, hemoglobin blood cells, a cochlea, nerve cells, etc. All this proves is we have the same designer.
All Ford Mustangs are cars, but not all cars are Ford Mustangs.