But the whining about higher prices will be hammered home. The left will forget to talk about the damage the 600+ billion trade deficit is doing to the economy and country as a whole.
The auto factories built by Toyota, BMW, KIA, Nissan, etc all built with Deficit dollars and reinvested in the US to lower their ta burden then to return larger sums of money to the home countries. China is doing the sam with their trade dollars, buying American companies not to mention buying our debt. They could trash the US economy in a heartbeat by dumping treasuries and making the dollar worthless.
@LouMan Well, as you mentioned …“The whining about higher prices will be hammered home”. It already has with the farmers. The commodity market is taking a huge hit now. The market plunged - 500 at the start of the bell this morning.
Of course, we all expected this to happen. I believe that the Chi-cons are playing the Super Bowl. The score is
The Chi-cons: 21
Trump: 0
It’s the Fourth Quarter. The Chi-cons know they can “manipulate” Trump. The same strategy they have used with previous Presidents. It’s up to Trump to “not be like the past Presidents”. It’s down to the “Two-minute warning”. The ball is on the 15-yard line of Trump’s 10.
Then why didn’t you include it? Trump made a point of going out of his way to make it known he’d be happy to work with Vietnam on trade particularly if China does not come around. US investment in VN has already worked miracles for them and the Vietnames are working hard to attract more of the companies manufacturing in China to come to VN.
Either way it hurts China seriously, they are addicted to USD’s and their economy stands to lose far more than the US if we’re willing to tough it out. The problem is that we’re less than a year out of the 2020 election season and most Americans are not willing to accept much if any pain at all in the short term for the long term gains.
If the trade war with China is hurting the MW and Upper MW in particular it could cost him reelection and it could certainly cost republicans more seats in both houses so it’s a delicate balance.
I am not sure if this was brought up today. But if Trump caves in on this Tariff ‘war’ with China. He will eventually cave in on his chance on being re-elected. He does have a history of caving on huge deals - Immigration, and the Government Shutdown.
He needs to make good on what he is doing with China. Or they will call his bluff.
" The president’s positions on immigration are overwhelmingly popular, particularly among independents (whose votes he needs to win re-election in 2020), but he appears to have forgotten.
Some of President Trump’s supporters have [deluded themselves] into believing he won the Oval Office confrontation last week with Pelosi and Schumer. He didn’t."
he is referring to Trump caving in during the government shutdown and conceding to Pelosi
I too thought he caved in as he conceded to Pelosi rhetoric and negative pressure from the media about all these poor government workers not getting paid even though they were Furloughed
Talking about an unfair advantage, imagine if the private sector workers were furloughed ?
He can’t force congress to give him anything. What he did was take what he could get from them and then declared an emergency to get another 1.5bn from the DOD.
Do yourself a favor and read up on the separation of powers.
He wasn’t trying to force Congress about getting the $5Billion for the wall. He was simply trying to tell Congress that the wall needed to be built. And he wasn’t going to settle for anything less. Thus, that led to the Government shutdown.
M point to Trump caving in, he has a history of caving in. I was basically stating that he should not cave in with the China-US deal. Or China will call his bluff. And he will be known as the President who caved in. Previous Presidents couldn’t even work out any deals. Now Trump can change that. If he keeps up the momentum.
That is all I was simply stating. I was only bringing up the Government shutdown as one example.
What you’re saying is nonsensical gibberish. Once Pelousy and the democrats got control of the house Trump wasn’t going to get his wall funding from congress and he could not force it out of them.
As usual in the short term the shutdown hurt Trump and the republicans and only served to help the democrats. The longer it went on the more damage was going to be done.
He took what he could get from them and turned around and picked up another 1.5bn from the Pentagon.
He didn’t cave, he simply accepted reality and found another way to get there.