Trump to declare emergency over wall

Not allowed to change your mind? Not allowed to make a judgement about scale?

The republicans need to re-calibrate, ditch the chamber of commerce and embrace unions. If they want to stay in power. Capture the midwest by embracing labor. That was the real lesson from Trump. IMHO

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And it is so much more than that: impact on healthcare, education, crime. Human trafficking, drugs…

But HEY!!! Open borders are GREAT!

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Are you saying you think we should put America and Americans first? :open_mouth:

/sarcasm :wink:

The impact is across the board yet everyone pretends it’s not a problem.

Spot on. When are liberals going to present a balanced argument with intellectual honesty?

You are right though, as 13 Republicans voted with Nancy Piglosi for ending Trump’s emergency declaration. Want to know whose those Republicans are? I am willing to bet that Mitch McConnell and Mittens Romney are among them, who no doubt take their marching orders from COC’s Tom Donahue!

No, not everyone. Just those of us who have half of a brain trying to impart reason upon those who’d rather wear rose colored glasses.


I’m not an insider, but my guess is that it’s not so much chamber of commerce money as cowardice in the face of a press that has become propaganda for the Democrats. I really think that they’re more afraid of CNN’s displeasure and just want to appease the beast so that someone else becomes their target. Most GOP politicians are just careerists and will be happy to ride the handbasket to hell as long as they get re-elected. “Doing the right thing” is meaningless to these weasels.

I am fairly active in my states local GOP, trust me, it’s owned lock, stock and barrel by the chamber of commerce.

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I disagree! It is Chamber of commerce who influences whats is recently referred to the "UNI-Party vote! They represent the multinational Corporations!

You can read more about it here:

You weren’t paying much attention then. Don’t conflate “conservative” with “republican”.

Conservatives have been raising hell about it since at least the eighties when we recognized the growing problem.

Many Republicans are beholding to groups though like the National Chamber of Commerce that relies on the cheap labor.

Well surely not, we can’t have that now can we?

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