Trump Tells Mumbling Retard Elijah Cummings to Clean Up 'Disgusting, Rat and Rodent Infested' District


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Baltimore has gotten over 2.5bn in special federal funds money over the last decade.

Exactly what have we gotten for our money?


That’ll leave a scar… .


This is even better!



A picture is worth a thousand words.
When a white person makes these comments, it is racist. When a black person makes these comments it’s because blacks are an oppressed minority being kept in these neighborhoods by their white masters.


Being black and continually destroying property and looting . Taxpayers have very deep pockets and blacks need tv’s and sneakers and BEER .

Tucker had some politician on from Baltimore last night who dodged all the questions about how billions of dollars sent to Baltimore to clean it up and improve conditions disappeared with no apparently good coming from them and kept deflecting to “400 years of institutionalized racism” as the root cause of all of Baltimore’s problems.

Ya know, you get what you vote for. If these folks are apathetic then the politicians will be apathetic as well.

They have to be in their glory just knowing the limelight is being shined on them and their plight. Well, hey. They brought it on themselves. Too lazy to involve yourself in research of who you are voting for? Or, don’t even bother to vote and just sit on your ass and complain?Don’t even know who is in charge of the conditions you live in? If they don’t care why should anyone else care?

Geeze. These people are in more control of their conditions than the politicians are. Politicians are expendable. Don’t deliver? See ya. Next up? Don’t deliver? See ya. Eventually, the message gets delivered.

I am SO TIRED of people who can be in control and make lives and conditions better just rolling over and accepting whatever scraps are left over. Then bitching and moaning about how unfair it is when it is because they are waiting for someone to make a difference. Just not realizing it is THEM who makes the difference and it is THEM who need to step up to the plate because no one else is going to do it FOR them.

I think the opposite is true. They see themselves and victims of an opporessive white male dominated regime and suffering from “400 years of institutional racism”.

The candidates that win in places like Baltimore feed that mentality ginning up outrage and promising to fix it and thus get elected.

Fortunately more and more blacks are making it into the middle class and figuring out how they have been used by democrats peddling lies for generations and as such leaving the party.

So what. What does that have to do with the living conditions they hate but voted for (or didn’t vote) for in the present? What white male caused them not to vote or to vote for much of the same or worse?

Outrage/victimhood politics.

They vote for the candidates that feed both and promise solutions. It’s never the fault of those they elect though because they too are victims of the “400 years of institutionalized racism”.

They are raised on this poisonous message from birth and it is reinforced by everyone around them and everyone they respect so it is simply never questioned.

Then you know what? You have to throw your hands up in frustration and walk away.

They aren’t living 400 years ago. They are living today and only have an impact on today. Not yesterday. That is over and done with. No changing it.

IMO, if this is how they want to live then why should anyone care if they don’t.

I understand them, don’t confuse that with excusing them.

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The blacks in these neighborhoods need guvment cheese, Mad Dog and 40’s of Olde English .
I wander how much of that money went into local politicians pockets and to corrupt organizations that are supposed to correct this mess.
Whose ASS is the Liberal media,NAACP, SPLC and The Congressional Ngro Caucus kissing to keep this quiet .

Odds are a lot of that money was funneled right back to the members of the CBC.

Not good for Eli!

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Apparently it’s only racist if white people use the term “infested”.

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INFESTED? That’s a RACIST term! Oh my Gawd! Elijah is a racist!