Trump supporters what are you going to do?

At least you have a good well thought out idea of what you believe is going to happen and I must be honest it sounds more realistic than most opinion here and has given me food for thought. But do you really believe the corrupt members of the republican party really want to get rid of the voting faults within the system?? They seem as corrupt as the democrats to me

I have never been in the military and I must admit I find it how odd how many people think they’re going to pick up some camouflage clothing grab a rifle and go to war I’m left scratching my head thinking how are you going to even get water how do they even imagine that going to have supply lines

How do you imagine a civil war would look in modern day America??

A lot of people hereare trying to win discussions I just want to hear other people’s opinions

I’m sorry to pull out just this part of your post, but this is what I’ve been saying… or trying to say in another thread. There are Republicans that wanted Trump out just as much as the Democrats… he threatened them just as much. The Republicans don’t want to see the status quo/business as usual go away. It’s how they live high on the hog and stay wealthy. Trump was a threat to that way of life for them every day. Let’s see how it goes now that we are returning to same ol’ same ol’.

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Another pipe bomb found at the capital today… we told you DONT CHEAT!

I don’t condone any violence, this election steal must stop

As trump said (In reality they’re not after me they’re after you I’m just in the way)

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If you’ve never heard of it, you might be interested in senator Church’s (of the infamous Church Committee, commissioned to investigate domestic CIA abuse) conclusions to congress as he painted a bleak picture of US governments capabilities against Americans ever organizing against it. And this was based upon the technology of 1976!!! Just imagine their capabilities today.

The option of violent overthrow of the federal government by armed force simply doesn’t exist anymore in America. There is no choice other than due diligence via democratic institutions in keeping our government truly representative…if that’s even possible. It’s quite possible that the American experiment ends in ruin…

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True, but not before treating him as a useful idiot to advance long held ambitions of their party. At first, they knew that Trump was wholly unfit for the high office as we have the recorded statements by men like Cruz, Mc Connell and Graham during the primaries, who quickly realized that Trump had no ideology but if he was stroked and treated with adulation, he’d do whatever they wanted. But now then, the useful idiot was no longer useful and so in the eleventh hour and 59 minutes, Graham got up on the 6th and declared, hey, I was for him, I didn’t want it to end this way, but I’m finished, count me out…:roll_eyes:

I completely agree with you in terms of armed population is never going to happen the most powerful military in the world is not going to be conquered by a bunch of guys with rifles and military experience however I do believe there are other options to overthrow the government if political leader plays thier cards right there are quite a few options I believe (it would involve head counting)

Also there are IRA style pressure groups they wouldn’t be able to overthrow the American government but like I’ve seen it could be used as a pressure group

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A civil war today would be a series of state governments coordinating a response to tyranny. Armed citizens would be necessary as the states don’t have the hardware to directly challenge the federal army. The Army would be largely split and loyalties would be tested. To your state and family or to the USA? Exactly like the first civil war.

That said, I think we would see more of a insurgency than a civil war to make the feds come to the negotiating table. I think more of an Afghanistan style insurgency where there are very few direct assaults for ground but more assaults to create a quagmire that cannot be won. I don’t think it’s likely that states will break off but I do see that turning this into Venezuela where government starts to take over everything would result in small bands and groups attacking government targets and blending back into the woodwork. I don’t envision a full blown civil war the way we would traditionally think of one.

I agree with the IRA tactics being the most plausible. No one is going to go toe to toe with the US military, especially those of us that served. We know their tactics and we know how to inflict harm on them but the target would be politicians, not soldiers. The left flat out doesn’t understand that you don’t have to create bases and attack land to win a civil war. You simply have to make it so expensive that it becomes clear that the politicians cannot win.

You ever try it and you’ll be crushed…quickly…:man_shrugging:

Really? How did the American Revolution turn out?

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250 years ago. Things have changed a whole lot while you’ve been distracted…:wink:

I seriously think they get an image in their head of Red Dawn. Kids fighting military. Well, that won’t be the game. The target won’t be tanks and airplanes, it would be politicians. They don’t understand insurgency.

I know, but the odds were staggeringly against them 250 years ago also. I wouldn’t rule out the same happening again, although the odds are definitely against it now.

Just to clarify, in an insurgency, no one knows who is carrying out the attacks. Yes, you’ll kill some but the network is underground and hard to pin down. It’s amazing to me that they’ve watched us fight to a draw in Afghanistan for 20 years and watched the USSR do the same and still can’t fathom an insurgency that would be so disruptive that public opinion forces them to concede. Two super powers in a row have failed to defeat the Taliban and leftists still can’t grasp the idea that a civil war would be both horrible and un-winnable for the tyrants that intend to jam Socialism down our throats.

ETA: Do they think veterans learned nothing in the past 20 years in Iraq and Afghanistan?

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The conclusion of the Church Committee, government technological capabilities that would preclude Americans the ability to ever organize against the government…

And this was 1976. If that being the situation then, one can not imagine what the situation would be now…

“In the need to develop a capacity to know what potential enemies are doing, the United States government has perfected a technological capability that enables us to monitor the messages that go through the air. (…) Now, that is necessary and important to the United States as we look abroad at enemies or potential enemies. We must know, at the same time, that capability at any time could be turned around on the American people, and no American would have any privacy left: such is the capability to monitor everything—telephone conversations, telegrams, it doesn’t matter. There would be no place to hide.

If this government ever became a tyranny, if a dictator ever took charge in this country, the technological capacity that the intelligence community has given the government could enable it to impose total tyranny, and there would be no way to fight back because the most careful effort to combine together in resistance to the government, no matter how privately it was done, is within the reach of the government to know. Such is the capability of this technology. (…)”

Okay. Good luck…

Can you see now how the idea of an insurgency is unrealistic the left are taking away your means of communication on a scale never seen before in human history previously your banking has already been attacked and now your ability to travel with the no fly list. You guys need someone that is in the government who can work out who is actually on your side then you need to get generals on your side and just attack look to wipe all of your enemies out as fast as possible sadly now trump has no political power and I don’t know who would be the leader of your movement

Also in terms of in insurgency which would just be labelled a terrorist group you wouldn’t have full support of your nation it would be really hard to operate in Afghanistan the Taliban had lots of support from the general public and were established logistically before the Americans came. I’m not sure how much support a insurgency group in America would have one of the biggest key factors in this is your ability to freely spread your message the right in America will soon have no ability to communicate directly with each other or the general public and the mainstream media control the narrative imagine how this will look in 20-years time the younger generation will be completely brainwashed into seeing the world the way the establishment want them to

I was thinking about your previous statement using local government to put pressure on the larger government to deal with the clear holes in your voting process that’s a good start however the republican and the democratic party are so corrupt that you need a new political party’s to start tackling these issues Americans need to unite now more than ever put left and right aside (obviously the extremists will never Agee to this) but the normal people in the centre the non extremists will have to put political differences to the side and put America first because you guys are heading to a dark place and as global figureheads you’re dragging everyone else with you

Since Donald Trump has lost all of his power the lockdown over here in the UK are getting worse and I do not believe it is a coincidence we are fighting globalists

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I agree that we’re fighting globalists. The issue though, is we cannot put aside our political differences. Why? They’re core value differences. For instance, the 2nd Amendment. 1st Amendment. Limited government -vs- big government. Huge welfare vs tiny state controlled safety net.

As to insurgency, the dark web is still largely uncontrolled. We wouldn’t use Twitter to communicate anyway. We all have cell phones, burners are cheap, most communications take place face to face though. You think the Taliban has general public support, think about 70+ million votes for Trump. Think about local governments with massive conservative majorities. Think about the Sheriff’s department, who have shown a propensity to tell DC to shove it when being given unlawful orders. Think about the National Guard, still under state control. Hunting groups. I’m sorry, but insurgency in the United States would make Afghanistan look like amateur hour. Liberals have full control of the media right now but a very low number of people actually trust them. No, I think we would fare just fine.

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Your differences are not that big look at the walk away movement look at blackexit you guys have much more in common than you imagine the MSM has amplified your differences centre-left people or even left wing people will not wish to take your guns away trust me I listen to both sides only the extremist when your guns and at this rate they going to get them from your cold dead hands

As a insurgency group who would be your targets??? you’re not the Taliban attacking Americans you Americans attacking American I imagine you would lose must of those 70 million voters sympathy

You need to grow your movements the black web is not the place for that most people on there to my knowledge are not doing political research I think you guys need to support gab start funding them!!!