Trump supporters what are you going to do?

Quite a few of my friends were far left growing up most of the females are in their thirties now without children or stable relationships and most of the men are at their parents house or are in shared accommodation both groups are trying to pay off student loans whilst having low grade jobs they have all day to hit the streets so unfortunately they have a larger voice because they are less productive ironic really alao they don’t care about criminal charges because they are going nowhere in life and the authorities are also on their side many of them get let off

This is completely unrealistic I do not see any organised structure such as the IRA in America

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Then it will be a 1 million protest of my right to assemble, speak, and illegal imprisonment, we will arrest the AG AND have a Tribunal

You can not predict that! You have no idea what an uprising in America would look like, you are simply trying to make false comparisons to a fringe group like the IRA to an entire vast country like ours that has 20x the amount of guns and gun ownership that easily outnumbers our own military. Sorry but I am going to disagree with you on this one!

You are correct. They tend to have little to lose so rioting is a great way to aquire some things they want with little consequence.

Until there are consequences this will continue for any reason they chose.

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The kind of civil conflicts you are describing no longer exists to get your point across and to get supporters on your side you do need access to search engines and social media outlets anyone that thinks otherwise is being naive also even encrochat has been hacked by the authorities and BlackBerry messenger are no longer as security as before

The less you have the more you can risk. It seems like the government have created these morons deliberately easy access to university debt for useless courses or have a couple of kids hit the benefits system and you have no responsibility in life but you’re always suckling at the government’s tit

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Growing up in Irish community outside of Ireland I can promise you the IRA is not a fringe community and they have enough guns to have taken over much of Europe’s criminal occupations the IRA are turning into the Irish mafia these days in my opinion a very powerful group with political influence do you know how many of them used car bombs and such and have been pardoned by the Queen herself very powerful people with political influence you guys need political influence to win like the IRA had currently sinn Fein the IRA political wing made massive grounds in the last election and many think they will be running Ireland come next election they are not a fringe group grown-up I heard more positive comments about them than negative

Why don’t they take out the Muslims?

No you are incorrect and making assumptions here when it comes to civil unrest to a full blown revolt would not rely on social media to communicate. It’s obvious you have no military experience and don’t know what your talking about. The source of communications is always one of the first priorities to secure during any kinetic operation.

If we are strictly talking about just protesting then yes social media is a source for organising but we are not talking about peaceful protests here, but a revolt that would be using other means of organising a armed conflict.

I am talking strictly numbers. We gun owners out number the IRA 20 to 1. It’s not even close and not a good example to use as a comparison.

Number of firearms in the US?

The estimated number in the US inventory of firearms is almost certainly between 412 and 660 million firearms.

Many not recorded with the ATF as they were private sales.

Yes but you guys are not using your guns it doesn’t matter how many you have also that’s not going to resolve your issue there is clearly corruption to the heart of your political machine

My original question was what are trump supporters going to do about the election being stolen from you?! My suggestion is to create a new political party to put pressure on the clearly corrupt republican party and democratic party I believe over 50% of your population think the last election had widespread fraudulent activity which affected the result of the election I believe you can put real pressure on the corrupt political establishment over the next 4 years because I do not see you realistic getting Joe Biden out of office now.if there was the real stomach for a fight him and his corrupts colleagues from both sides of the political establishment would have already been executed

Please enlighten me on how you think a civil war would work in modern day America under the current circumstances

I believe a modern day civil war in America would be based on political opinion a war of ideas the marxists vs the nationalists the westerners vs the globalists the Christians vs atheists that kind of thing currently the marxists nationalists atheists appear to be in control of your corrupt government and fighting in the streets will not get them out they also control your media your education system all of your big tech that’s used to communicate forming public opinion and ideas is how you resolve this issue

The IRA are nationalists they want a united Ireland the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland as one country they do not actually have religious based goals

You’ll make bank…:+1:

Unlike you I am not attempting to troll people I just like to make that clear

You’re right of course. Thinking all the Trumper rednecks could ever organize and present themselves as anything formidable is hysterical. Besides, check out (if you care to) what senator Church who was commissioned to investigate and report back to congress on CIA over reach back in the mid 70’s concluded about the chances of Americans ever doing so in the event that the US government descended into complete authoritarian dictatorship…

It makes for a fascinating and sobering read. Just google the Church Commitee and read his conclusion if nothing else…

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I don’t think that you’re trolling with this thread, nor am I by contributing to what you’re saying.

I always thought they hated Protestants of light or something like that