Due to the fact that Democrats are unwilling to change our very dangerous immigration laws, we are indeed, as reported, giving strong considerations to placing Illegal Immigrants in Sanctuary Cities only…
Yanggang wants nothing more than a collapse. It is how losers can make their way to the top. They facilitate a collapse.
Then they climb up the charred heap, plant their flag, and declare they won.
I think the Democrat response to this plan has been absolutely hysterical. My only problem is that when illegals declare asylum they get medical waivers and eligibility to get public assistance. The medical waiver means that they don’t have to go through any medical screening before being released into the United States. The other issue is self-explanatory.
For it spreading, sure. Inoculated people aren’t spreading it, which is the point. And how would we know an illegal was inoculated or not who’s given a medical waiver and allowed to come in exactly? Hmm…
The Dems will do all they can to cause one. Bill Maher (the mediocre shock jock) has already said he would welcome it. Of course he’s rich enough to come out unhurt…but, what rich liberal gives a shit about the little people that would be hurt?