Trump just announced any one that Crosses the border will get shot in the face

I am so weary of repeating myself. A 100 or 200 yard No Man’s Land that parallels our Southern Border, seeded with German S Mines.

Right and it’s only the unemployed who are “suffering”.

The 1,200.00 was really just throwing us all a bone and to help those at the bottom end who really have been hurting since these lock down measures began.

Hell, here locally our city even suspended utility payments and cut offs because it’s a fairly poor rural community. Similar localities and utilities are dong the same thing all over the country right now.

Never, ever going to happen so lets stick with what’s actually possible.

The only way that would happen is f we were to declare war on Mexico and even then it’s doubtful.

But you said the $1200 was a monthly payment. That is not correct.

It’s a hell of a lot more than that with the enhanced UE.

I guess not; and I guess we will just have to accept this. 1. ## Victims of Illegal Aliens Memorial -

  1. Victims of Illegal Aliens Memorial page 2 -

Pisses me off to no end as well Jim but this nation is never going to do what you ask, ever, probably not even in a full blown war with Mexico would we do it.

Too many bleeding hearts.

History has shown us, Never Say Never !

So when the Chinese were locking down Wuhan, that was all part of the plan to bring down the Trump administration? How about when Trump continued to allow international travel from China and other infected regions into the United States? Was that all part of the media’s plan (it was a hoax, remember)? How about the federal government being completely unprepared for the spread of a highly infectious disease? Fauci has been the head of infectious diseases in this country for nearly 40 years and he never thought it might be a good idea to stock up on ventilators and N95 masks? Give me a fucking break.

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I was just talking with someone yesterday and he said China owns a lot of what we believe are American farms. They ship the livestock over to China live, butcher it and send it back. The conditions that they butcher under are horrific.

I don’t have anything to back this assertion up, I asked for articles to read for myself. So, right now this is unverified.

However, I do remember a few years back being warned not to buy fish from China. I’m sure this isn’t the only food product that wouldn’t stand a chance in hell if produced here in the USA.

At Chen Qiang’s tilapia farm in Yangjiang city in China’s Guangdong province, which borders Hong Kong, Chen feeds fish partly with feces from hundreds of pigs and geese. That practice is dangerous for American consumers, says Michael Doyle, director of the University of Georgia’s Center for Food Safety.

“The manure the Chinese use to feed fish is frequently contaminated with microbes like salmonella,” says Doyle, who has studied foodborne diseases in China.

On a sweltering, overcast day in August, the smell of excrement is overpowering. After seeing dead fish on the surface, Chen, 45, wades barefoot into his murky pond to open a pipe that adds fresh water from a nearby canal. Exporters buy his fish to sell to U.S. companies.

Yang Shuiquan, chairman of a government-sponsored tilapia aquaculture association in Lianjiang, 200 kilometers from Yangjiang, says he discourages using feces as food because it contaminates water and makes fish more susceptible to diseases. He says a growing number of Guangdong farmers adopt that practice anyway because of fierce competition.

“Many farmers have switched to feces and have stopped using commercial feed,” he says.

Do you not realize the Chinese hid the entire outbreak and it’s severity from the world for more than two months?

The first cases emerged in October. When was the first mention of person to person transmission being confirmed?

When was the first declaration of a Pandemic by the WHO?

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You have to be insane or utterly desperate to eat ANYTHING imported from China.

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The old ( from the 1930s ) Shanghai slaughter house is an architectural work of art. Like an MC Escher design. Now just a historical site. That being said, I will eat nothing from China. I will not put the shit they process in my compost bin. Nor would I feed it to m dog. What I do not grow myself, I buy from local farmers.

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You’re right. If we ever end up living in a post apocalyptic world it might become possible.

Till then the infection of bleeding heart liberals will prevent anything even reasonable being done to secure our borders much less fortifying and mining them.

I share your frustrations but I do live in the real world and accept that reality for what it is.

Do you not realize that we have an intelligence community that monitors these sorts of global events before they make the news? Do you honestly believe that the US government didn’t know what was going on in China despite their best attempts to cover it up? If you believe that then I’ve got a bridge to sell you.

Your willingness to cite the WHO as an authority on anything is laughable.

Let’s keep Corona talk in Corona threads please.

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All threads - posts go off on tangents.

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I attempted to go into this subject a little deeper today, but something very strange happened and my first post was deleted for some reason.

Anyway, this and then the latest news all seems oddly coincidental.

Agreed. I hope and pray that people wake up and boycott their products. China is no friend to anyone but the CPC.