Instead we get attacks on the one governor who is trying to open back up and give people their Constitution back.
Yes, I already know CNN is fake and gay - but Trump still said this dumb shit:
President Donald Trump says he strongly disagrees with Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp’s plan to reopen part of that state’s economy, especially by putting beauty salons and other establishments that require close personal contact back in business.
Georgia’s move to reopen its economy is the most aggressive in the US, but many other states are also looking for ways to put people back to work, even while the coronavirus still remains a public health threat.
And a coronavirus model routinely cited by the White House warns that no state should be opening before May 1, and that Georgia shouldn’t reopen until June 19 — almost eight weeks from now.
“It’s just too soon,” Trump said Wednesday at the daily White House news briefing on coronavirus when asked about Kemp’s timetable. “ The spas and the beauty parlors and the barber shops … I love them but they can want a little bit longer, just a little bit, not much, because safety has to predominate. “
What do you mean? I’d hate to think that these people have their hands so far up Trump’s ass that they can control every single thing that comes out of his mouth. He has been encouraging states to get back to work for a couple of weeks now. Georgia has finally said enough is enough of this crap and then they catch this for it? Come on.
I live here in Georgia and I have some issues with Kemp, but overall I thought that this was the right move. I wasn’t pleased to hear President Trump pushing back on it yesterday. I would have rather heard some praise for this move as it might give other states the courage to do exactly the same thing.
This isn’t about Colorado though. IcebergShithead is gone so let’s not go off topic. My point is that Trump should have just said that the decision to open belongs to the Governor and everyone wants to see Georgia go back to work. Pretty easy to heap a little praise without being responsible for what they do.
Summer passes, new cases decline. Come fall, there’s another covid flare-up.
What’s the point?
That we should have locked down for at least a year, or longer? That lockdowns don’t work? That Sweden had the right idea?
We’re gonna have to weigh costs-benefits and prolonged lockdowns will inevitably start to cause more harm than good, unless we’re talking about stopping a pandemic with the killing power of the Black Plague, which we aren’t.
I’m working on the assumption that our ruling lunatics will not stop until the collapse. That means another panic in the late fall. They will want to ruin our Thanksgiving and Christmas.
If you assume that the people doing this hate you, planning should get easier. They got a taste of what they can do with these crackdowns. They will be ready with more draconian versions in the fall. Screenshot this.
Everyone will have to be exposed to it at some point. I don’t understand how people don’t see that. If a vaccine is possible, it won’t be for some time and there’s no certainty that it will be 100% effective (flu vaccine is thought to be 50% effective).
This could very well happen. In fact, I’d give it 50-50 at this point. But we’ll have lots of data at that point, and let’s hope people give it a sober analysis.
I have a hard time seeing how another lockdown would be helpful, on balance, unless something becomes nastier between now and then.
I try to avoid political talk in real life, but it happened yesterday with a “we need to quarantine until there’s a vaccine!!!” crowd. I asked, what if a vaccine takes six months? Nine months? A year? Five years? At what point do we say enough is enough? I got hemming and hawing and quietly saying we should quarantine as long as needed, “but hopefully it won’t take that long.” Oh sorry, I thought we were having a serious conversation…