Trump is Now Attacking Georgia for…Reopening....What?!?

The only reason they’ve been able to get away with it this long is because, generally, Americans are…

A. TV watching morons and
B. Don’t like to go out this time of year in the less than ideal weather.

Nah. The country is full of terrified boomer females who are happy to gas lockdown protesters. At this point we will accept it all.

The October Surprise will be more than just a fresh round of lockdowns. If it hasn’t wrecked the world enough to doom Trump by then they will accept defeat and move on to the next one. Russia! didn’t work, Ukraine + Impeachment didn’t work, Plague! doesn’t look like it will get the job done. War! is the next logical step.

Watch for a false flag event. Looks like they are setting the stage now, getting rid of the “willing to make a deal with Trump” guy and installing the crazy sister onto the Nork Thone. Assuming they can’t whip up a “China unleashed this on purpose, they gotta pay!” frenzy and get us to do something truly stupid.

Remember, incumbents win if we are stable, prosperous and at peace. The first two attacks were against stability, now they have attacked stability and prosperity together with WuFlu. That only leaves peace to destroy.

Aren’t they worried that they might make people suspicious if they go back to this so soon. It’s kind of like taking out a life insurance policy on someone you plan to have whacked. You need to wait at least a year to do it.

So far, there have been 45K wuflu deaths in the US. You can probably cut that number by a third under the safe assumption that many old person deaths are misclassified as covid-induced.

Roughly 30-60K Americans die every year from the regular flu.

When this politicized hysteria has burned itself out, (herd immunity should have kicked in by now for these partly-manufactured and exploitative media panics), I predict wuflu will have killed around 30% more Americans (mostly the elderly and infirm, as is usually the case with pandemics, barring a few notable exceptions) than the typical seasonal flu kills. Ballpark: 70-80K

I further predict that the lockdowns will have had little to no impact on the final death tally a year from now, as it will be shown that states without lockdowns or with looser lockdowns which ended sooner will have equivalent or lower covid death rates than did states with full lockdowns and tyrannical cunt governors enforcing them.

Conclusion: This shit show is Impeachment Attempt #3.

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The damage in the real world might be very high.

How many small businessmen will be wiped out? What will the ripple effect be? The flood of Fed bux will alter the landscape but won’t stop the disaster.

I can’t see why anyone in DC wouldn’t see many small businessmen being wiped out as a loss.

After the hysteria is behind us, and a more objective eye can be leveled on the data, this virus will be shown to be slightly more deadly and only because of its novelty (no portion of populace already exposed). People are acting like the virus is fucking magic or can do things in the environment that other viruses can’t.

As a small business owner that is always a concern.

After 2008 I put funds away for the eventuality of a downturn to carry us through.

People will go out of business but will return smarter and stronger as demand begins to increase.

People will want to be employed as well.

It may take some time to get it rolling again, but there will be opportunities out there for the entrepreneurs.

There was reason to be very concerned about this at the beginning. We had no information out of China and the numbers in Europe were very concerning, Italy in particular.

We did the right thing but given the numbers we now know it is time to go back to rebuilding our lives and the economy.

As the lining in the silver cloud, we now also know how prepared we are and what our shortfalls are in hospitals, PPE, medicines, etc.

Eventually, there will be something much more nasty that comes down the chain. I think of this as a drill and a wake up call.

According to one model and not putting politics aside, proposed by the University of Washington and pushed by the globalists, Georgia should wait till after June 8th to exit lockdown.
All that with the fake CDC statistics of if you died from other causes like cancer, heart failure, pneumonia or shark attack and have covid, you’re death certificate will say died of covid.
That’s CNN GMO soy logic and suits the Dems just fine for the November elections to regain the throne that was lost by Hildebeast.

It was just another tactic the Dems have been using for the past few months to “politicize” and to get to Trump. They have failed to do so, in the past 3 years. So, they wanted to make sure “this one sticks”. JMO



Lots of cases, very few deaths!
Lots of cases, very few deaths!
If we follow the science it is similar to the flew. Period.

Fauci is a fraud!

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Would you trust two doctors from California with their words? :roll_eyes:

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Trump is being honest.He might be wrong. I’m hoping Kemp is right. But this hardly rises to the level of “attacking.”

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It’s ultimately up to the Governors as it should be.

It’s also up to the people in a given state to figure it out what is or is not “safe” for them.

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That’s nuts. Those are kook, paranoid leftists.

I blame the television for inducing the very precise emotional and psychological magic spell necessary for these conditions we are all now observing in the generally dumbed-down general populace… And of course when I say “television” what I really mean is ■■■■■

Does lockdown work (to prevent the spread of the virus)?
No. Look at Sweden and Japan (where there’s no lockdown). Results are the same.

Does avoidance of close contact work?
We don’t know. But is such avoidance feasible? No.

What causes the virus to spread?
To be in a closed space with coughing people with little ventilation.