Trump goes under the bus as Netanyahu says Israel must not be dragged into Soleimani killing

Glad to see the about face in such short order. :+1:

I never wanted our troops in foreign countries; but I always supported them wherever they may be. My country, Right or Wrong. Screw those phony Americans who cater to any foreigners who would do us harm. Nothing less than treason.

Yeah, and in a nutshell thatā€™s the problem and what will lead to our ultimate downfall. We all should insist that our war policies ONLY move forward when we are RIGHT. Supporting WRONG war policy because itā€™s my country is absolute bullshit garbage.

Whether Israel was involved or not is a rather academic argument.
Iran has already said that if America attacks they will destroy Israel first and ask qā€™s later. America just attacked Iran in the most public and egregious way possible
Can Iran destroy Israel? Donā€™t know, but they can certainly do a hell of a lot of damage and they have the moral justification to do so now.
Did Trump make a mistake? - Depends - If he really wants to pull out of ME and give Israel the middle finger, this could be one way of doing it.

Correction: Israel is a sovereign country that is largely dependent upon the taxpayers of the United States, without their consent.


Your comment made me think back to this video that mysteriously got technical difficulties when the soldier was making his point. Sorry for the low-quality, I saved this a long time ago.


Thanks for the historical perspective. His comments back then are certainly applicable to the conundrum we find ourselves in today. On a separate note itā€™s also interesting that CNN has always been up to the same tricks. They frequently encounter technical difficulties when someone says something live on air that they donā€™t approve of. The same cast of characters also were pushing war back then too. Itā€™s amazing how little has changed. Thank you for posting that.

Of course if I only had a dollar for every time they said such a thing since 1979. Also, they utterly lack the capability. Also, it would be absolute suicide for them. Soā€¦Ever making a big deal out of those type of Iranian threats is pure drama. Using it to escalate a war with Iran is the height of irresponsibility. Today we got more Orwellian double speak from the Trump administration, as of course we were told directly by the CIC, the one that actually calls the shots, that he would hit Iranian cultural targets, while his SOS insisted this morning that they certainly would not hit Iranian cultural targets, but rather follow international law with respect to such places. But, itā€™s got the administration talking to the press about Iranian targeting. Which is a nice first step for the warmongers in our midst both on this board and in DC.

Honestly, listening to Pompeo this morning, you could so easily have turned back the date to 2002, changed the SOS to Condi, and the country to Iraq and the rhetoric was the same bs that we heard then.

When are Americans going to throw down the gauntlet on this worn out bullshit.

Ron Paul isnā€™t buying it for a minute, suggesting astutely that we, tear up the agreement we had with them, impose crippling embargoā€™s, and kill their top general, and expect that theyā€™re going to say, oh yeah, weā€™ll set down to the bargaining table with you again. He (Rand Paul) said you have to be BRAIN DEAD to expect that; or Americans to believe it.

I said no such thing, why lie?

He was killing Americans and invaded our embassy, killing him was the correct proportional response.

At a minimum it sends a warning to his successors and threw their whole strategic plan into disarray and almost certainly changed the calculus enough to cause them to cancel their upcoming string of attacks on US interests.

That is a benefit to us and because theyā€™ll likely retaliate against Israel itā€™s certainly not a benefit to Israel. If the Israelis wanted him dead they have everything necessary to accomplish it and could have reached out to ā€œtouch himā€ at any time of their choosing so your entire theory is baseless.

Thereā€™s no evidence anywhere to suggest a hypersonic missile was used period and they can be tracked by satellite and radar so weā€™d have the exact track it followed.

Hyperspeed isnā€™t even possible in the lower atmosphere which is why even large meteors traveling at excess of 21,000mph tend to blow apart when they get below the stratosphere.

Iran has a 40 year record of making similar threats without carrying them out so thereā€™s no reason to believe this time will be any different.

If they launch a massive strike on Israel threatening their survival within minutes Iran will cease to exist as Nation State and itā€™s lands will largely be turned to glass.

Thatā€™s not the point.

The point is the New York Times described a hypothetical missile strike on Soleimani in Baghdad roughly 24 hours before it actually happened.

So what? Synchronicity doesnā€™t require a conspiracy.

He was already in the news over the recent attacks on US bases and for directing the embassy attack.

We rarely do capture/kill raids and most of the HVTā€™s weā€™ve taken out in the last ten years were killed with air to ground missiles.

Why reach for conspiracies when something is so easily explained without them?

Except it isnā€™t. If there were a strong or compelling case to be made, it would have been done already in a clear and concise manner. When every voice is offering distractions, changes of subject, smoke screensā€¦thatā€™s a big problem. I donā€™t know what the ultimate facts will show and at the moment neither do you, but given the obfuscation and subject-changing it does not appear that the Trump Administration will ever be able to substantiate either the imminent threat or that the assassination was necessary to or effective in the prevention of any rumored future attack. But we do get a lot of the ā€œBut he was a really bad person so he deserved itā€ stuff, which for some is a sufficient substitute for a factual or legal case; for some even if the consequence turns out to be worse than the status quo ante.

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A clear and compelling case was made from the beginning, you just prefer conspiracy theories.

This targeted hit was no different than dozens weā€™ve executed over the last decade.

This hit was on a leader of another country.
So if it is ok to assassinate foreign leaders, Is it also ok for them to do the same.
He was the head of Irans armed forces - Is IRGC a terrorist org? No more than the ppl who killed Gaddafi are. Or the IDF

He was not the leader of a country, he was the General in charge of the IRGCā€™s terrorists and insurgents.

Making such suggestions is a great way to get this board shut down so Iā€™d suggest editing.

He was (a) leader in Iran(of their armed forces) and just bc Amerika calls him a terrorist doesnā€™t make it so

His actions made him a terrorist.

Heā€™s been designated a terrorist by every civilized nation on earth and by the UNSC.

His passport had been revoked and heā€™d been ordered to never travel outside of Iran again as a result.

Heā€™s also not the first such high ranking general to be targeted in such a way.