Trump Gives $500B to Blacks - Screw Everyone Else

That is my issue with it as well.

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The way Western societies are going you guys may as well let the democrats win and people in the UK may as well have let Jeremy Corbyn win and let the thing burn faster just to stopped future generations having to deal with our mess even when the so-called conservatives win in our country they do not conserve values culture historical accuracies even our statues get pulled down

Non-whites have basically become our feral pets it’s getting ridiculous I do not want to see my children penalised for the colour of their skin don’t want to see happen to anyone else either but if it has to happen to someone it ain’t happening to mine

You explain to your grandkids when an ever expanding African continent population keeps growing due to handouts and flooding into the rest of the world with their average IQ of 80 destroying civilized societies you explain it to your grandchildren when they cannot talk about certain subjects because of the colour of their skin when they cannot get mortgages or get business loans as easily as other people because the colour of their skin or when they have to achieve higher educational standards to be allowed on to further education courses to improve their lives and improve future generations opportunities. you explain it to your grandchildren when every time a black criminal is killed legally by the police their city is burnt down and they run the risk of potentially being attacked as they drive their car if they say happened to take a wrong turn you explain it to your grandchildren when whites make up 1000 to 1 on interracial rape crimes you explain it to your grandchildren when they get randomly attacked for the colour of their skin in or when they are disproportionately targeted with crimes and it’s all justified with the colour of their skin that’s the path you’re on you short-sighted fuck head (just joking with the swear words you started it let’s keep it civil)

All the best nothing personal but you’re being incredibly short-sighted and antagonistic with it

What happened to driving down the deficit?

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Nice. We have a “Black America” now.

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I just think there is way too much wrong with what you said for me to fully address.

Low IQ’s? Does that have anything to do with someone’s character? Lots of high IQ people are filthy socialists and Leftists, and lots of lower IQ people are good salt-of-the-earth patriots. Your disparaging of lower IQ people is very Elitist and Leftist.

As for color, I will say it for the millionth time: Color only matters to racists. The content of someone’s character is what matters to conservatives & real Americans, and to God I might add.

I say again: I would rather stand next to Colonel Allen West and call him brother, and I would gladly piss on white Joe Biden. That’s how much color matters to me.

Straw Man Argument: I never. never, ever, justified any crime, ever. My remarks are in the context of the thread topic.

There is definitely a horrible black sub-culture in America that I despise. The pimpin’, rapping, thugging, ganganging culture is a filthy leach on America. I do not defend it. It is easy to look at that and hate black people. That is the Low IQ racist thing to do.

The intelligent thing to do is then look in the other direction and see the patriots, policemen and soldiers who are black, great conservatives like Justice Clarence Thomas - and thank God he is on the court by the way!!
People like Dr. Carson and all the tons of people I could name. I refuse to give in to the base lowlife instinct of hating them all and being a racist. That’s the path you’re on you short-sighted fuck head (just joking with the swear words you started it let’s keep it civil)

THE TRUTH is that every race has good people, and every race has its filthy rotten sub-culture. Maybe as white people we can tolerate our own filthy rotten sub-culture better than we can tolerate those of other races. I suppose that makes a little sense. It is a danger though.

I now refer you to my previous post.

Totally fair question.

When a business is created, the person has to be something of a jack of all trades.

It’s great if you are a plumber but if you cannot handle payroll, taxes, licensing, cash flow, continuing education and all that is involved? Chances are you are better off being an employee.

Loans don’t guarantee success.

Now if the standards are stringent to receive a loan and a person passes the standards then they should be eligible regardless of ethnicity.

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I do not argue with that at all. You are totally right.

Having said that though, it is also “reality” to say that there are some places that need a little nudge, need a helping hand if not a handout. Give Trump a chance; maybe he has a better structured plan than previous ham-handed liberal attempts.

The black community, IMO has a culture problem.

For instance, a student shows a lot of potential but is bullied for it.

Money isn’t going to solve that.

BLM burned down black owned businesses. Are loans going to change the risk/reward factor?

IMO, this initiative is like putting a bandaid on a bullet wound.

The core issues need to be addressed but everyone dances around them.


All of you should watch this

Antifa is an organization? I mean, the KKK has leadership, chain of command, bylaws, etc. Does Antifa?

Doesn’t matter, I suppose. It’s kinda funny to watch Trump scrambling to get the black vote.

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Three things:

First, Real Clear Politics which is no friend of Trump noted that 20 percent African-American support for Trump would dismantle the Democratic Party and its presidential hopes for 2020:


Second, recent polls and reports show huge gains in support among blacks. A while back Rasmussen had a poll that showed 36% approval, which was probably a little high. But more recent polls have it at that sweet 20% number:


THIRD: If this program solidifies all that and takes down the socialist Democrat pigs then that is fine with me.

The KKK is in the public domain, anyone can technically start their own Klan group.

I don’t think it will actually work, but lumping the two in together is a logical way to shut down the “it’s just an ideology tho” pro-antifa argument.

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He should have added the official BLM org. too

I get what you are saying. Makes sense. But does the KKK for real exist or is it just a bunch of FBI informants larping as white supremacists in order to entrap young autistic men in phony terror plots, so the FBI can justify its counter-terrorism budget?

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Let’s just keep dumping billions of dollars into the hands of blacks, it’ll eventually turn them into normal functioning people!

Welfare, EBT, affirmative action, Section 8 housing, clearly what we need is even MORE white middle class taxpayer money down the drain.

Fun Fact: Elon Musk estimated that a self-sustaining Mars colony could be established for a cost between $100 billion and $1 trillion with current technology. America spends that much on welfare and social services EVERY FUCKING YEAR.

We could literally colonize the solar system for what it costs to support just the American version of Africans, not even counting all the resources wasted on foreign aid to Africa.

It would be more profitable to buy a one-way plane ticket for every black American to resettle in Africa than what is spent on government programs every year.


It’s loans. It is an easing up on 500 b in capital for people to take out loans. There are no money giveaways. Read the fucking paper.

I did. What are they going to pay these “loans” back with? This is nothing but sub-prime 2.0 welfare turbo edition.


It’s in the form of loans with federal money backed with taxes. When they default on the loans they will be insured with your tax dollars.

Read the fucking paper.