Trump Gives $500B to Blacks - Screw Everyone Else

Thanks for your anecdotal “evidence” which is entirely blown the fuck out by hours of video footage since the start of the riots.

And I thought we had a civil rights act . :roll_eyes:

And thanks for your stupidity to leaven the thread

:thinking: Food for thought for you dopey morons:

The thread title says “Trump Gives $500B to Blacks - Screw Everyone Else”

But do you want to know what will actually screw everyone else? A Trump LOSS, thats what!! A Biden win will screw everyone and all their kids and grandkids.

This thread is monument to snivelling stupidity.

I repeat what I posted already:

I know three things:

First, Real Clear Politics which is no friend of Trump noted that 20 percent African-American support for Trump would all but dismantle the Democratic Party and its presidential hopes for 2020:


Second, recent polls and reports show huge gains in support among blacks. A while back Rasmussen had a poll that showed 36% approval, which was probably a little high. But more recent polls have it at that sweet 20% number:


THIRD: If this program solidifies all that and takes down the socialist Democrat pigs then that is fine with me.

You can pound your fat boomer meat mitts in anger all over the keyboard, doesn’t change a thing. Blacks are rioting and are getting rewarded by Trump with billions and another holiday…on top of what they have already been receiving since LBJ.

Never in a billion years would I ever believe a republican president would ask for socialism and slavery reparations. This is outrageous.

How can 17% of the usa population , with 35% being felons and unable to vote , and only getting 20% of that group sway an election ???
We have about 63% WHITE
We have about 19% Hispanic
and we have about 17% black
Why the hell is the black vote so critical ??? IT IS NOT !!!



Let Biden win.

Explain it to your grandkids when you tell them about the once great America that they never got a chance to see.

You bunch of crying shortsided assfucks.

Newsflash retard: you can’t shit on white working class people for four years and expect them to vote for you again. Just saying…people out here in coal country are fucking HOT over this shit.

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Newsflash cockgobbling imbecile: Trump never shit on the white working class, ever, so you are just spewing out ignorant stupidity, you fucking piece of shit.

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So what has he done for them specifically as a group?

We’ve been hearing all about black and hispanic unemployment out here. Doesn’t do shit for us.

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Then go vote for Biden you ass sniffing fucktard.

Deep thinker we have here. Can’t just admit that this was a fucking stupid move.


His posts frequently go like this…


I’ve got to admit. This had me scratching my head when I heard it. Hopefully it’s just an empty campaign promise and he throws this garbage in the trash can where it belongs after he wins the election.

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Hilarious. This is 500 Billion Dimension Chess.

All it will take to permanently end the racial hysteria is to create a bigger black middle class, stop black abortion, and arrest all the criminals in the drug rings and sex trafficking. It will be good for business, dismantle the outsourcing etc.

500 Billion is a pittance.

Says the stupid punkass bitch who said that Trump has shit on white people, when in fact Trump has done more for conservatives and more for America than any other president in your lifetime.

Trump is the greatest thing to walk into that White House since Reagan. He gave us the lowest unemployment in 50 years and a booming economy, rebuilt the military, wiped out land ISIS, got us out if the fucktard Iran agreement, got rid of NAFTA, put the screws to China, and more…

Then he does one thing you snivelling bitches don’t like and all your pink panties get wadded up. What a bunch of BITCHES

Like I said, go vote for Biden then if you’re so pissed off, and shut your bitch ass cocksucker. Otherwise just say “Thank You” to Trump for doing the greatest job of any president in your lifetime, and then just move along.

And the same goes for you dickless

I highly doubt that 500 billion (i.e. half a Trillion) will ever get thrown at a proposition like this.

So if you voted for Trump and were planning on voting for him again, but are unhappy with giving handouts to one particular race…then you deserve to be slammed with personal attacks?

What’s your rationale for this?

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When did personal responsibility get thrown out the window? Why am I responsible for getting all of this done for a group of individuals that identifies themselves based on the race of their “community”? They are either Americans or they aren’t. The government should help all Americans by getting out of the way, not by giving handouts.

When did the Republican party become DNC 2.0?