Really? Females do not transform into males, no matter what the anomaly!
In effect, yes they do. Read the article.
I don’t care what whatever article says. It is straightforward biology. This is as ridiculous as arguing with a flat earther. I’m done.
If anyone is a flat earther on this subject, it is you. It is a biological fact that all humans begin life in the womb as female. Their chromosomes determine what they will become, but it is accomplished by a transformation during which, things can and sometimes do, go wrong.
Well said an welcome.
Samm it simply isn’t true. The gonads move either up or down depending on whether the embryo is male or female. Prior to that taking place the physical traits are neutral, not female.
Read the link.
I learned everything I need to know on the subject taking 8 hours of embryology.
The gonads don’t fully develop until after they finish moving up or down depending on the sex of the fetus. Prior to that they are neutral in gender phenotypically.
The article is poorly written for laymen.