Today is the 19-year anniversary of 9/11

My letter to America by Noor bin Laden

“Muslims are against Christians. Christians are against Muslims” is a narrative.

Who benefits from this artificial narrative?
Cui bono?

You just couldn’t let it be! How disappointing!

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The covid death toll is 60 9/11s

Think about that when you go to the polls…

People say the country was united on September 11th, 2001.

But that’s not true. The Left thought that attack was a just punishment on America for being racist, sexist, and Christian. And for electing George W. Bush.

He was one of the culprits.

Yet when asking you or any other of your band of merrymaking cheerleaders to provide the actual numbers all we get is crickets! Yeah I know who I am voting for and certainly not for the party of idiots! So thanks for the reminder!

Trump seriously literally admitted himself, on tape, that he was intentionally downplaying the coronavirus even though he literally believed that it was actually lethal.

Go to the virus thread and stop derailing this one!

China did it. The Sequences point to man made bio-weapon. Biden wants to surrender to China. Of course Pres Trump is the best choice.

Evidence points to others along with China as the creators of the virus.

And you clearly know nothing about me or for the most part everyone on this site. As long as you can dump your hate speech and your conspiracy bullshit everywhere derailing threads your fine.


Do I care to know?

I’m not good at long-winded speeches.
Conspiracies make the world go around. You’re just one of the ignorant sheep who believe your TV hook line and sinker.

He knew it was not lethal, although it was somewhat more potent in the beginning. Today, it is virtually harmless.

Says the village idiot who promotes Jim Stone and David Icke and all other conspiracy nonsense here! You are the one who never leaves their apartment and spends most his life consuming the internet. You are a perfect example why some people shouldn’t be allowed internet privileges, and you calling other people ignorant here is not only hilarious but pretty ironic too. Just look at the number of responses to your posts here! Should tell you something if you had any self awareness to be able to self reflect. Something Narcissists like are incapable of doing!

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That is correct. Who remembers The Concert for New York City when Susan Sarandon and Richard Gere were booed off stage for speaking about tolerance? Even then the Left was trying to embrace the enemy.

Thanks to Democrats

I will, and I will vote for Trump

Apparently you do not understand the English language very well do you. Remaining calm and not starting a panic while taking care of business is what he said he did, and it was the right thing to do, you half-witted imbecile.

And that has nothing to do with the topic of this thread, moron

By the way, go seek counseling for your homosexual disorder.

My homosexual disorder? You seem to be the one who can’t stop sucking Trump’s dick :joy:

Yes. Same-sex attraction is a mental disorder. Sorry about your luck.

No disorder here. I accept who I am. You are the one pacifying the tiny orange cock in your mouth 24/7.