Today is the 19-year anniversary of 9/11

Yes, that is called DENIAL. You are in deep DENIAL about your mental disorder. Its common in alcoholics, addicts, and others who suffer from disorders.

They might indeed. I am not sure how much worse that is than some morons in here who blame Bush or blame the Jëws.

The blame lies with radical Islam, and radical Muslim terrorists who are trying to establish a worldwide Caliphate.

Yeah…you are spot on. It’s crazy that Israel is hitting strategic targets in Iran and Syria right now trying to push the US into war with in the region before the November election. Our greatest friend and ally would NEVER do anything to get Americans killed for their strategic and geopolitical interests in the region.

If Trump had ignored the doctors and the warnings, had acted like the fool Nancy Pelosi and encouraged the public to flock to Chinatown amid coronavirus, that would be one thing. But Trump sealed off air travel from China. He got systems in place. We never did have a shortage of ventilators after all, did we? All this while Pelosi was busy impeaching him, and then the Democrats wasted January as well with impeachment until the Senate finally stepped on it like the spider it was.

Trump made a judgment call. After three years of Trump, we all know how to read Trump. Those who back him, but who are over 65 and with high-risk chronic health conditions, are going to stay indoors and be really careful until a demonstrably safe and effective vaccine is available, no matter what Trump says. Even strong Trump backers do not make health decisions based on what he says nor on Dr. Fauci. On issues of medical wisdom, Trump cannot be a definitive resource because he either does not know what he is talking about or does know but may be modifying the message for the good of the country. Nor has Dr. Fauci proven any more reliable than the president because, with all due respect to the good doctor, he has made so many wrong calls on coronavirus from Day One.

Presidents always have to balance interests as they make tough decisions. Trump balanced and decided to play down the panic publicly but to stop Chinese foreigners from entering the country. Basement Biden condemned Trump for that. That is the record. Andrew Cuomo forced nursing homes to take in coronavirus-infected people.

Perhaps the minions of the left are not as smart as some of the elderly from the right. Perhaps Cuomo awaited to do a little culling of the herd and killed old people.


What is even more crazier is the peace agreements between UEA and now Bahrain being consummated right? What’s up with that?

Lethal to who???

The at risk population of fat asses of the left. Bet you fit in that at risk group.
Who was it that failed to protect the elderly? The state governors as well as some of the mayors.

Holy heckarino! You are right! So much peace and tranquility in the region with countries that have adopted the global centralized banking cartel model to avoid the “Arab Spring revolutions” that seemed to just mysteriously happen out of nowhere without any US-Israeli involvement at all.

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I would think that they hit targets because they are a tiny nation perpetually on the verge of being destroyed by their neighbors and their best defense is an offense.

And you know what? From their point of view, its a great strategy. We love Trump because he puts America first. Well, I am sure that the Israeli PM puts Israel first too, as well he should, right? So he will do his best to get our help. I cannot fault him for that.

And in turn we will count on our president to NOT let us get dragged into an unnecessary war.

Thats how the game is played. I am not angry at the Israeli PM for doing what he thinks is best for his country.

Why are you quoting me as saying something I did not say?

I don’t care what Israel does so long as we aren’t paying for it (which we are) and don’t commit US forces to the fight (which is what they want).

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Why did you delete? I was replying.

I am trying to figure out how to make it show who I am replying to. Little faces are not appearing above my replies.

Here is what I deleted:

Personally I think we should have wiped Iran off the face of the map in 1980. THEY have been the REAL source of ALL the problems over there. We have hit everything possible except for the main target.

Don’t hit the blue reply at the bottom. Hit the small gray reply arrow. If you are replying directly a little face won’t show up because it is directly below the post.

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Carter missed an opportunity but Reagan got them released on his inauguration. I think that was the right move as it didn’t trigger a massive endless war that would have got the Soviets involved. Peace through strength worked. If Israel wants to attack targets then they should be doing so without the military and financial support of the US. All that does is get us involved with actions in the region that may not be aligned to our efforts.

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I have a theory that I have never seen anybody say except for me: Bush wanted to invade Iran.

I look at a map, and I see where Bush went in:


As Bradley said in the movie Patton, “I know how to read a map.”

Iraq to the left, Afghanistan to the right, classic pincer movement into the heart of Terror, Iran.

Afghanistan went great. We toppled the regime quickly.
Iraq actually went well too as far as the actual military invasion and rolling into the capitol went.

But then, before the Pièce de résistance could be executed, we got sucked into the mire of guerilla warfare in Iraq, and also political attacks from Democrats and fake news. The political momentum to keep rolling into Tehran was lost.

I think Iran was Bush’s ultimate goal. If he had succeeded he would have been the POTUS who WON the war on Terror.


Same thing.
Bush is a ■■■■

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Absolute soap opera.
No plane flew into the buildings.

I’m not saying this out of callousness.
I get a bigger picture than soaps.
Because of the US mainstream media, millions died in Iraq. Afghanistan, etc.

Cui bono?
Who benefited most from all this tragedy?

You know the answer.

Dude, you cannot seriously be that retarded. Everybody saw the goddamned planes fly into the buildings.

No. People saw the VIDEOS of planes. Period.