No. No more or less than saying “Christian,” or “Hindu” or “Buddhist” etc. is referring to a race.
These are religions. In reality they all are derived from visionary experience by the various founders, Prophets, Sages, Christ and Buddhas.
The perceived discrimination of ■■■■■ against Non-■■■■■ is an anachronism. The actual teachings were referring to people from their land not their race. Only unenlightened people would mix up race with religion. Some cultures developed ideations about “bad blood” and taught exclusivity of a given group, but this bears more relationship to animal politics and literalized thinking, than religion as intended by the enlightened teachers.
Jesus and his apostles, were “practicing.” by spreading the gospel. Faith is always primary but “practice” is required.
Faith requires testing through practice.
For example, a 14 year old learns to drive first in a parking lot, then goes out on the road. Without facing adversity and increased difficulty, faith is not tested and deepened.
Hindu is not a religion because its a term the Arabs called the people living in India
Buddhism isn’t a religion because buddha never preached it
Christianity isn’t a religion because christ never preached it
Islam is the only religion because it was preached by all the Prophets and Messengers.
This opinion is a huge part of the problem. Do you honestly think Moses was not teaching faith in God?
Where did you get such an idea?
We know from the Bible, he had a major religious experience on the mountain, inscribed the 10 Commandments and upon returning from mountain, found the followers practicing Babylonian religion and smashed the tablets of the Commandments.
And where is the difference? Only in the minds of people determined not to see or understand it.
Seeing Judaism as a secular, political, racial thing is blind.
Historically and linguistically, the earliest ■■■■ were related to Vedic India. Much confusion ensued in historical records during floods and migrations. So Brahma’s wife was Saravasti, and Abraham’s wife was Sarah.
People seeking to blame all problems on long held political grudges, do not grasp how cause and effect works, so they mistake religion for politics.
If Judaism isn’t politics then why do you think the Khazars simultaneously accepted Judaism?
Were they interested in the torah?
Did they believe its the truth?
No they embraced Judaism for political reasons
Truth is, because Crazyman Hitler’s Manifesto, was lumping all ■■■■ together and his writings were insane, instead of reasonable thought, he preached his own nutty racial crap and group psychosis and his own Supreme Race gibberish, he plunged Europe into a far worse hell than already existed. Like neo-Nazis of today, he blames a boogieman.
Greedy ■■■■■■ Bankers and Greedy Non-■■■■■■ bankers were just as guilty. At the same time Hitler borrowed money from them, to attempt an expansion of Germany., with a pseudo religious fanaticism. All of it was low IQ idiocy.
Hitler wasn’t racist. He never thought his race was supreme. He even said the Chinese and Japanese have a better history. He just wanted the unification of ethnic Germans and to end the suffering of Germany from the treaty of Versailles.
Sad. All you have to do is read Mein Kompf, He was an insane, megalomaniac… He completely misdiagnosed the real problem in Germany, leading to it’s destruction. He is in the ranks of the worst people in history. Stop swallowing that Neo-Nazi, low intelligence, rubbish.
He was Charly Manson x 10000000, regardless of the truth or exaggeration about the gas chambers.
Hitler said lots of things. He had all kinds of crazed ideas as did his advisors around him.
His ideation about Scandinavia, India, China and Japan, was part of his delusion. He read this book and developed weird theories
An essay about Hitler. He was into a dark, heretical sex based, form of Tantric Buddhism among other things.
Khazars (who were Asian Turks) felt they had been abandoned by their gods. Judaism was a religion which would justify their long-sought scheme and desire to conquer the world.