This will not end well

You mean “racist ■■■ hating idiots!” There fixed it for you!

Thank you for the correction.

That goes without saying! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

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…and dragging old links out of her archive…links she doesn’t even know still work.

What an idiot she is!

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Just another cohenspiracy

the Guardian – 28 Dec 16

Netanyahu ‘told New Zealand backing UN vote would be declaration of war’

Israeli PM reportedly warned that support for motion on settlements would ‘rupture relations’ between two countries

Sounds like a classic Mossad op to me

Former Army Psychological Operations Officer and State Department Counterterrorism contractor, Scott Bennett has thoroughly examined the 17 minute video of the shooter frame-by-frame, and after applying deductive reasoning in the forensic analysis, he is convinced the New Zealand mosque shooting was a false flag event due to the following:

  • No evidence of bullets impacting surfaces, no blood splatter, “Which means either blanks or paint or gas or other non-solid projectiles were fired from the guns. This means, essentially, nothing solid impacted the victims bodies, therefore no physical damage resulted, which means no living person was lethally wounded or killed by an outside force.”
  • The victims’ physical reactions to being shot are not realistic. People being shot at close range react with animalistic panic, whereas the shooting victims in the video “fold up and fall to the ground like a sack of sand, and lie motionless.”
  • “…as the shooter is driving down the street, several times he presses his shotgun muzzle against the windshield of his car and fires, but the windshield is not damaged or broken or penetrated by any bullet. Instead a smoky cloud bursts against the window and temporarily fills the cab of the car.”
  • The music appears to be scripted and deliberate and “resembles some kind of hokey Pulp Fiction type soundtrack, as the perpetrator comments on the shooting thrills and challenges to his [livestream] audience.”
  • The shooter’s manifesto appears to have been written by a leftist “inarticulately trying to channel or inhabit the language and ideas of conservatives,

More bullshit from the moron class. What a surprise!

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Autism is a genetic developmentail disorder. I would also figure that latent viruses such as Hepititis B would have a greater risk for cancer than their vaccines would.

Cancer is basically the DNA synthesis phase goes haywire during mitosis/meosis. It happens when one of the DNA checkpoints during Intern phase is failed and the cell continues to grow. The only reason I can see that vaccines cause cancer or autism is if the virus successfully embeds it’s DNA into the host’s DNA, causing a frame-shift mutation. Which is unlikely since the virus is weakened or dead, hence why I say a full strength latent virus would be more likely to cause cancer than ANY vaccine out there.

The only thing vaccines cause are healthy adults.

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Ever notice that anti-vaxxer research articles are all from the 1990’s? No? Just me? Okay then. :confused:

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The anti vaxxer/autism BS has been so thoroughly debunked anyone still promoting it should be vaccinated against reproducing or posting on the internet.


Sounds like that came straight from from CDC or WHO.

This one falls under the ‘‘be careful what you wish for’’ or ‘‘law of unintended consequences’’ maxim either way it illustrates the genius of US foreign policy.

So we install Saddam in Iraq, then we fall out with him coz Israel tells us he’s a bad hombre, we bomb the shit out of the country and kill a million Iraqis but thats ok coz Israel is now safe.
Trouble is Iran, according to Israel, is also a threat(to Israel) and is on the list of countries we need to introduce to democracy.
So we have created an axis of chums in ME who all hate Israel with equal fervour - Iraq,Iran and Syria
This will definitely not end well

Another example of the law of unintended consequences and guess who was behind this one too

Tomorrow Europe might no longer be European, and even black, as there are millions who want to come in “, “ we don’t know what will happen, what will be the reaction of the white and Christian Europeans faced with this influx of starving and ignorant Africans ” and “ we don’t know if Europe will remain an advanced and united continent or if it will be destroyed, as happened with the barbarian invasions.

all the Takfiri terrorist groups are federated, organized, financed, trained and even protected by the AngloZionist Empire (as seen many recent times in Syria when the US protected, transported, treated, resupplied, and even coordinated the various al-Qaeda franchises in Syria). That was also true for Chechnia, Croatia, Bosnia, and Kosovo.

The Unz Review

The Great Fraud of National Zionism

The Defining Event for the US There is no doubt that the 9/11 false flag (now even admitted (by direct implication) by NIST!) was a watershed, a seminal event in our history. While millions (or even billions) watched in horror as the twin towers…

Guess where Jeff comes from

And guess who he has connections with

The smoke is from your burned out brain.

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The madness continues.

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Sad and a waste of resources.

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According to a reportpublished by the US Department of State:

“Palestinian refugees [in Lebanon] were prohibited from accessing public health and education services or owning land and were barred from employment in many fields… A 2010 labor law revision expanded employment rights and removed some restrictions on Palestinian refugees; however, this law was not fully implemented, and Palestinians remained barred from working in most skilled professions… The law considers UNRWA-registered Palestinian refugees to be foreigners, and in several instances they experienced worse treatment than other foreign nationals.”

According to an Associated Press report:

"… Palestinians in Lebanon suffer discrimination in nearly every aspect of daily life, feeding a desperation that is tearing their community apart.

"Many live in settlements officially recognized as refugee camps, but better described as concrete ghettos ringed by checkpoints and, in some cases, blast walls and barbed wire…

“Palestinians are prohibited from working in most professions, from medicine to transportation. Because of restrictions on ownership, what little property they have is bought under Lebanese names, leaving them vulnerable to embezzlement and expropriation.”

And the people committing this criminal act are not even ■■■■■■■

Maybe that’s why you ignore their plight.

@LouMan It may have escaped your attention but they are refugees because of what ■■■■ are doing in Palestine.

Look out for suicide bombers in Ireland in May

LOL, good one…